Sizes of artificial Christmas trees

It is almost impossible to imagine the New Year without an elegant green and extremely fluffy beauty - a Christmas tree. Of course, it is good if it is still real, with the smell of needles. But lately, most of the inhabitants give their preference to artificial trees and pines in order to preserve wildlife.
This kind of choice really allows you to save dense coniferous forests. And an artificial Christmas tree is a very profitable purchase, from an economic point of view.After all, having chosen it only once, you can install the product in your house and decorate its branches for many years after that. And if you take into account the huge range of modern artificial products, then you can be sure that choosing a decorative Christmas tree is easy.
What are the options?
For a start, it is worth knowing that synthetic New Year trees differ in the material from which they are released.
- Molded Christmas trees. These products are made of plastic. A special technology is used for casting soft needles, which makes them look almost like natural needles. For example, molded branches of the tree “Spread” can withstand a lot of toys, because they are made of flexible PE polyethylene (outside) and more elastic PVC (inside).
- PVC Christmas trees. This is a safe material that will not ignite, even if something unpleasant happens to your Christmas lights. Fir-trees from PVC differ from other products in longer service life.
- Christmas trees from fishing line. Today the fishing line is most often chosen for the release of artificial pines. Very popular are cedars from fishing line. These products have a very attractive and spectacular appearance.When creating a tree is used fishing line of various shades of green.
Each company tries to produce its synthetic Christmas trees as fluffy as possible and as thick as possible, because it is the products that consumers prefer.
Many people try to imitate long needles, like natural pine, upon release. For this purpose, a film with a width of up to 5 cm is used. There is usually a great demand for this kind of product on New Year's sales. Among these products include the following:
- "Altai", with a height of 100, 150, 180, 200, 230, 250 cm;
- "Virginia", a height of 120.150, 180, 210 cm;
- Premium - 150, 180, 210 cm.
To make the product have small needles, like a real Christmas tree, the manufacturer chooses PVC film 1.5-2.5 cm wide. And in order for the New Year tree with small needles to look thicker, manufacturers increase the number of twigs on their Christmas trees. An example of this kind of models:
- "Piano" - height 150, 190, 220, 250 cm;
- "Nord" - height 150, 190, 220, 250 cm;
- "Iceberg" - height from 1.3 to 2.2 m.
If you are thinking about what kind of decorative Christmas tree to choose, then you should know that the most expensive models of festive trees are also made of PVC film. To do this, their twigs are made with different lengths of needles to make the product look more natural, for example:
- “The Snow Queen of the Snow-covered” - spruce tree with a height of 0.6 to 5 m;
- "The Imperial Snow-covered" - height 135-215 cm.
PVC film more often produce models of the type.
The line is more expensive material, but the trees from it will not be at all like real Christmas trees. At the same time they will maintain a very spectacular appearance. Needles for such a Christmas tree will be released from the fishing line with a diameter of 0.1-0.3 mm. They will gently stick in different directions, superficially resembling brushes. At Christmas trees from a fishing line, needles usually have a length of 3.5 to 6 cm. Such trees strike with their fluffiness and therefore attract the attention of customers. The “New Year's Beauty” with a height of 1.25 to 2.15 m is considered to be the most purchased Christmas tree from the line.
If you want to install a Christmas tree on the street, then you should look at models above 300 cm:
- Spruce artificial "Cleopatra Delux" - 4 m;
- Street synthetic Siberian spruce from PVC - 7, 12, 13, 14.15 m;
- Spruce artificial frame "Standard" - 8, 9, 18, 20 m;
- Kristall street spruce made of PVC - 10 m.
Minimum and maximum height
When making a choice, you need to immediately decide what kind of model of tree you want in height, and what kind of crown a tree should have.The height of the Christmas trees installed at home can be both small (46 cm) and rather solid (5.5 m). For street constructions, the size range starts from 3 to 20 m. Also, they can have different crown widths. If the room is spacious, then the tree can be put very fluffy, and if there is not enough space, it is best to choose one of the narrow models, which can easily be pushed into a corner.
Diameter and number of branches
The diameter of the tree below - this is an important criterion that must be considered. Too wide a tree in a small room will look ugly. The size of the diameter of the structure, which can be specified in the characteristics of the synthetic Christmas tree, will correspond to the most probable parameter at the bottom of the product (its width). For a decorative Christmas tree, this size can be called conditional, since the branches of the Christmas tree are made of very flexible wire. Thus, they can be bent in any desired direction, forming the necessary parameters of the crown of a Christmas tree with a smaller diameter (smaller width). You can make the diameter of the product less by 15-20 cm.
The number of branches in different models is different, however, on average, it varies from 500 to several thousand pieces, depending on the size of your New Year's beauty.
Weight analogue in packaging and without it
If you get a small desktop tree, then its weight will be small - from 500 g to 1.5-2 kg, depending on the model chosen. If this tree is 1-2 meters tall, then its weight may be much more significant - from 3 to 10 kg. Outdoor options for Christmas trees will be weightier - up to 100 kg or more. The packaging of the artificial Christmas tree itself does not weigh much; add another 200 g to 5-6 kg to the mass of the product.
Who will suit the desktop options?
A small decorative table tree made of PVC is a great option for decorating office or home interiors for the New Year holidays. Such trees are fixed for stability in a pot, which can be decorated with a chintz or canvas bag. Collect this product is not necessary, you just need to fluff and straighten its branches. The branches at the desktop tree are very thick, this will allow them not to bend under the weight of the Christmas tree decorations used. They fluff up quickly, but here it is better to work with each branch separately. Needles in such a product will not crumble, will not begin to crease, and will not begin to fade with time.
Desktop options are best suited in the event that it is not possible to set the tree of the usual parameters. For example, in your office there is no room for a large structure; a small child or an animal tilting a tall Christmas tree lives at home. Typically, desktop options have height parameters of 30 and 60 centimeters. They are optimal in order to decorate the room, and at the same time do not take up extra space on the desktop. Often such a product can be put on a shelf or window sill. Certain models are produced by the near-wall ones - they do not have branches on one side, which will make it possible to place the forest guest in the corner.
Where to install and what to consider when choosing floor models?
One of the main parameters for choosing a decorative Christmas tree is its size. A too large product will take up the entire area of the room, and the guests and the owners themselves will not be very comfortable spending time here. Too little Christmas tree quickly get lost in a large room. Therefore, before buying a Christmas tree, you need to think carefully about exactly where you want to place it, and what size design you need.
It is worth considering options for the possible placement of the Christmas tree.
- In the apartment. Most often, the Christmas tree is installed in the spacious living room or choose the largest room in the home.The Christmas tree is installed either in the corner or in the very center of the room. A fir-tree with a length under the ceiling itself (approximately 2-2.5 m) can be chosen only if there is a lot of space in the room and the minimum number of pieces of furniture. In oversized homes it is best to limit yourself to a synthetic herringbone with parameters from 1.2 to 1.5 m.
- In a country mansion. Here, the parameters of the Christmas tree will be limited only by the desires of the owners of the home. You can immediately buy several models of Christmas trees of different sizes - a large structure of 180 or 183 cm can be installed in the central room or in the courtyard, and small Christmas trees can be installed in the bedroom and the nursery. In this case, for example, a product called “Piano” - a beautiful design with fluffy branches — can look great. Well suited for both home and street.
- In office buildings, schools, kindergartens and other public buildings. The main purpose of the presence of the Christmas tree at the matinees or corporate events is to attract the attention of those who have gathered with their smart look, and thereby ensure the New Year's mood. For this reason, the tree should be large, large, stylishly decorated. Here, more often choose the size of 210, 230 cm.
When choosing a height, do not forget to take into account the height of the stand, as well as the bright top that you purchased for it. Various types of spiers and stars can add an average of about 20-25 cm to the product.
It is worth remembering that the parameters of the tree will depend not only on its height, but also on the width of the crown and the density of the existing branches. A small, but very fluffy Christmas tree can look hard and cumbersome. Therefore, ask the crown width at the bottom of the product, the length of its needles. In most models of synthetic fir trees, you can change their design, set a different slope, the shape of branches.
According to the parameters of width, designs can be classified into wide products, medium designs and narrow Christmas trees. Wide products suitable for large rooms, dimensional halls. Average will look good in typical apartments. Narrow Christmas trees are very convenient to put in those places that have a limited area - in small rooms, in ordinary office premises, in narrow corridors.
With a construction length of 150 cm:
- wide will be products having a diameter in the lower part of 115 cm and wider;
- average - from 98-115 cm;
- narrow - up to 98 cm
If the length of the structure is 180 cm, the following parameters are allowed:
- wide - 130 cm and wider;
- average - from 110-130 cm;
- narrow - up to 110 cm.
With a product length of 2 - 2.1 m, pay attention to the following points:
- wide - 140 cm and wider;
- average - from 125-140 cm;
- narrow - up to 125 cm.
Small and medium trees
In a room that has a size of up to 10 square meters, it is best to pick up a table-type herringbone with a height of about 1 m. In rooms with a space of 10 to 15 square meters you can install a tree up to 2 m. If the area of the room is more than 15-20 square meters, the height of the spruce will be limited only by an obstacle in the form of a ceiling.
For outdoor options, perfect products in 3, 4, 5, 6 meters in height. True, it is worth considering that the high model will cost much more, it is not very convenient to store it due to excessive bulkiness and weight, and for it you will need to purchase more jewelry. However, the higher the tree, the more spectacular it will look both indoors and outdoors. This design will give you much greater opportunities for unique decor.
To choose a good and high-quality Christmas tree, You can use the following recommendations.
- The stand in the festive tree you purchased should be as durable as possible. It is imperative that the product stands steadily, so it is best to choose a model on a metal stand. Otherwise, your Christmas tree may outweigh the stand and will constantly fall.
- Branches should be strong and as plastic as possible. It is unlikely that someone will like the tree, whose branches will hang out unevenly without the possibility of correcting this situation. It is not very good if the “needles” of the purchased construction will be too sharp. At the same time do not forget that the branches themselves must have sharp ends.
- Needles should be properly secured, but if they constantly sypyatsya or often break, it means that you have acquired a poor-quality design.
- If you like to hang a large number of balls and other decorations on the Christmas tree, it is best to purchase a not very magnificent product.
Beautiful examples
If you want your holiday tree to look as if it had just recently been cut, stock up with a small amount of pine cones in the park. In addition, you can find ready-made cones in many stores on the eve of the holiday.Just cover them with white, gold, silver or other bright and catchy colors. Decorated with decorations you can stylishly decorate an artificial Christmas tree. Today it has become fashionable to decorate Christmas trees with artificial colors in one tone - that is, the Christmas tree is decorated with balls, snowflakes, ribbons and garlands of the same color. It looks original and beautiful. And the more decorations will be on such a tree, the more spectacular it will look. From the west, fashion came to us instead of the usual Christmas decorations to use large flowers. This composition looks very creative.
How to choose an artificial Christmas tree, see the following video.