Features of insulation attic floor
The roof protects various buildings and structures from precipitation and wind. The attic under the roof serves as the boundary between the warm air from the house and the cold of the environment. To reduce the outflow of heat from the heated room to the outside, apply insulation attic space.
Why warm?
For comfortable living conditions in the winter, the houses are heated, consuming a huge amount of heat carriers. Every year the cost of heating only increases. In order to save costs and reduce heat loss, install energy-saving double-glazed windows and apply insulation of walls, floor and ceiling with insulating materials.
More than a third of the heat from the house comes out through the roof.as warm air rises.Through the unheated ceiling, warm streams leave the living quarters and rush to the attic, where, in contact with the roof covering, they form condensate on the floor beams and the rafter system. High humidity leads to material deterioration and multiplication of fungi, reducing the durability of the roof structure.
If the attic space is actively used or performs the functions of the attic, then insulate the roof itself. When the attic is not in use, make insulation attic floor. Installation is carried out on the beams of a cold attic.
In this case, you can achieve multifunctional insulation:
- protection from hot, hot air in the attic during the summer period allows the living space to stay cool;
- sound absorption function: reduced noise from the howling of wind and precipitation;
- the retention of warm indoor air during the heating season is achieved by creating an insulating barrier.
The use of various types of insulation will reduce the heat loss by 20%, which will extend the life of the roof without repair and replacement of wooden elements.
Types of garret floors
Depending on the location, floors are divided into interfloor, attic, basement or basement. To create the ceiling and the floor in buildings, load-bearing elements are constructed consisting of beams and slabs. Reinforced concrete slabs, steel and wooden beams are used as attic floors. In the construction of brick and panel high-rise buildings using reinforced concrete floors. Beam ceiling is used in low-rise construction. The wooden beams are log, logs and planks of large cross-section, laid on the bearing walls.
Each type of flooring, wood or concrete, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Reinforced concrete ceilings are durable and fire resistant, but they are difficult to install and require increased strength of the walls during construction. Wooden floors have a lower load on the load-bearing walls, are suitable for construction with any kind of building materials, they are mounted without the involvement of construction equipment. The disadvantage of wood is its fire hazard, therefore, wooden structures need additional treatment with anti-flame impregnation.
Whatever material the attic floor is made of, it is necessary to carry out heat insulation work, since the thermal conductivity of concrete and wood is high. The insulation scheme consists of a vapor barrier, the insulation material itself and waterproofing, forming a layered cake that helps to perform a protective function for the roof and heated premises.
Attic floors serving for multi-level division of premises must meet certain characteristics:
- Strength. Overlaps must withstand a large load.
- Fire resistance. The limit of resistance to fire is governed by technical requirements. For all materials it is different: the concrete can withstand 1 hour, and untreated wood - 5 minutes.
Variety of materials
Before choosing a material for insulation, you need to understand the variety of heat insulators produced, taking into account their basic properties and characteristics. By type of laying insulation products are divided into: roll, bulk and slab.
In the form of soft rolls release mineral wool. This fiber material comes in three varieties - rock wool, glass wool and slag wool.For raw materials in the production of kamnevaty are alloys of rocks. Glass wool is produced from sand, dolomite and waste glass. For slag wool use metallurgy waste - slag. Attic warmed with basalt wool and glass wool.
Mineral wool has the following advantages:
- do not burn, melt at high temperatures;
- rodents do not start;
- available;
- convenient when laying;
- are lightweight.
The negative point when using cotton wool is its hygroscopicity and low environmental friendliness. Vata absorbs water well, reducing its heat-insulating properties. During the laying of glass wool you need to follow the rules of safety and use personal protective equipment. The environmental friendliness of the material is low, since phenol-formaldehyde, harmful to human health, is used in the production of mineral wool.
So that moisture does not penetrate into cotton wool, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of laying with vapor-protective films and a waterproofing layer, leaving gaps for ventilation. With proper insulation mineral and compliance with all technical requirements, you can achieve cost-effective and high-quality insulating layer.
Rolled polyethylene foam, or izolon, is used for complex thermal insulation and as a steam and steam insulation. It is a foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 0.3-2.5 cm with a one-sided foil layer. Izolon has heat-conducting, fire-resistant and hydrophobic qualities.
In the form of fractions of different sizes, use these types of bulk insulation:
- sawdust;
- straw;
- slag;
- vermiculite;
- expanded clay;
- foam glass;
- ecowool;
- polyurethane foam.
Sawdust was insulated at home for a long time, until modern heaters were launched into mass production. The main advantages of sawdust are high environmental friendliness, caused by the naturalness of raw materials, low weight and the availability of material for a penny cost. The main drawback of sawdust is the flammability of the material. Also, when absorbing moisture, sawdust can become moldy. The sawdust layer is easily damaged by mice.
Straw insulation is a traditional village method of preserving heat in a house. This is an easy and affordable material. Due to the high thermal conductivity, the straw layer must be large - up to half a meter.
The negative sides are obvious:
- straw serves as a good habitat for rodents;
- lights up quickly and burns well;
- gets wet and rots;
- compressed, reducing the layer of insulation.
Slag is the raw material obtained from the waste of metallurgy. Slag pumice and blast furnace slag has been used for a long time as a cheap filling insulator. It is non-flammable, durable and cheap material.
As a result of the expansion of mica, vermiculite is formed - a natural, lightweight, durable insulation. The coefficient of thermal conductivity is comparable to mineral wool. Its adsorbing qualities allow not to install hydroprotection. Vermiculite is not exposed to fire.
Expanded clay is a light clay granules. Natural mineral material is environmentally friendly, durable and non-combustible. Among the advantages of warming with expanded clay, it is worth noting the ease of installation - the granules are simply scattered in the attic of the required thickness of the layer. In order to achieve reliable thermal protection in different regions, expanded clay is laid with a thickness of 20-40 cm. A large layer of expanded clay is heavy, therefore, the possibility of load on wooden floors is taken into account.
Foam glass belongs to low-heat conductive insulant insulation.In the production of waste glass industry foams, getting high-quality insulator. Foam glass differs in log resistance, durability, environmental friendliness and durability. The high cost of foamed glass is a limitation for widespread use.
Ecowool is a modern cellulose insulation.
The advantages of using eco-wool:
- natural anti-allergic composition;
- flame retardants provide fire resistance;
- when wet it does not lose thermal conductivity.
Polyurethane foam belongs to the category of bulk insulation. Polyurethane foam is a liquid plastic that does not need a vapor barrier and waterproofing. It has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient, giving high thermal insulation properties to a small thickness of insulation. The coating is applied in a continuous layer without seams, covering all gaps. Water-repellent qualities do not allow fungi and bacteria to multiply in the attic space. The strength when cured does not give a chance to start a rodent. The composition is made of substances that give the polyurethane fire resistance.
Polyurethane has only one drawback - the high price.This is due to the use of professional compression equipment for foam spraying. We have to resort to the help of specialized companies.
In slabs
Plates and mats of different sizes are produced:
- Styrofoam;
- extruded polystyrene foam;
- mineral wool;
- reed;
- seaweed.
The foam plates consist of polystyrene granules.
The foam has the following features:
- low thermal conductivity makes it an effective heat insulator;
- very light, easy to install;
- highly flammable, emit toxic substances when the temperature rises;
- waterproof;
- not resistant to mechanical stress;
- the popularity of foam is due to cheapness.
Extruded polystyrene foam - the same foam produced by extrusion. This allows you to save all the advantages of foam, acquiring an increased density that can withstand heavy loads. Grooves are provided in the plates of polystyrene foam, which facilitates installation without gaps and creates a continuous coating.
One of the options for the production of mineral wool are plates, often unilaterally coated with reflective aluminum foil.Foil acts as a vapor protection and reflects the heat from the house. Minplitu convenient to use for self-installation.
Reed mats and algal ladders produced in the form of compressed briquettes. The raw materials used are natural, natural, lightweight materials - reed and algae. High environmental and vapor-permeable properties allow them to be used for wooden buildings. The problem of fire safety helps to solve the processing of raw materials with fire-resistant compounds.
How to choose?
When choosing insulation materials take into account the type of overlap and features of insulation. The characteristic qualities of a heat insulator become the decisive criterion.
A number of factors are taken into account:
- The level of thermal conductivity. The best insulation has a low thermal conductivity with a small layer thickness.
- Weight. The weight of the overlap depends on the weight.
- Fire and frost resistance. The material should not ignite.
- Easy installation.
- Durability. Insulation should be durable, not collapsing under the influence of adverse conditions.
- Ecological purity. The more natural the composition of the material, the safer it is for human health.
- CostWhen private construction is often the price becomes the main criterion.
Taking into account all the features of the material, you can choose a suitable insulation for the house. Often the best choice is insulation with mineral wool. Compliance with the installation instructions will allow you to perform high-quality insulation work.
Calculation of the thickness of the insulation
In accordance with the requirements of SNiP for building insulation materials, the thickness of the insulation depends on the type of insulation, the duration of heating and the average temperature in the winter period in a particular region.
The thickness of the insulation is calculated based on the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a particular material. This indicator is indicated on the packaging of the purchased insulation. Moreover, they select the upper limit of the norm for a wet environment.
Material thermal conductivity | Insulation thickness |
0,03 | 12 cm |
0,04 | 16 cm |
0,05 | 19 cm |
0,06 | 24 cm |
0,07 | 29 cm |
Features of work
The type of overlap determines the feature of thermal insulation works. Methods of laying thermal insulation differ depending on the type of insulation.
By reinforced concrete slabs
Attic insulation with overlapping of reinforced concrete slabs is simple to carry outsince the attic floor is flat. As a heater, rolls of mineral wool, slab version and any bulk varieties are suitable. The weight of the material can not be taken into account, since reinforced concrete slabs can withstand heavy loads.
It is possible to make installation of a heater, scattering material on a surface. In this case, suitable claydite, foam glass, vermiculite and slag. Pre-attic space is covered with vapor barrier film. Then scatter the granules on the calculated layer. Cement may be the top layer. If the attic is used as an attic, it is assumed the device of the concrete floor.
The second method of laying involves the use of crates. Wooden bars are located at a distance of the width of the roll or plate used insulation. The size of the timber should correspond to the thickness of the insulation layer. Proper arrangement of the attic space involves laying the subfloor on the battens of the batten. If plates of foam or foam plastics were used, they make a concrete screed. When using rolls of mineral wool, plywood or plank floor is laid.
On wooden beams
In private homes, it is advisable to make a beam ceiling. From the lower side of the beams make a hemmed ceiling between the first floor. On the side of the attic there are beams between which insulation is placed. For a wooden house, ecowool, basalt wool, reed mats, foam glass and polyurethane foam will be the best insulation.
A vapor cover is laid over the beams with a solid cover. Next fit insulation. If the height of the beams is not enough for the thickness of the material, then they are built with rails. A prerequisite is the insulation of the beams themselves. This will help to prevent freezing of the structure. Insulating film creeps waterproofing film. Lags are laid on subfloor boards or boards.
Useful tips
The thickness of the roll and plate heat insulator is selected taking into account the installation in two or three layers. This will help avoid the appearance of cold bridges. Each subsequent layer is laid with overlapping joints of the previous one. Multi-layer installation reduces heat dissipation.
When laying insulation plates, you need to achieve solidity. To do this, they precisely cut the material, calculate the location of the rails, and seal all joints and joints between the minplate and the crate.
When deciding to insulate the attic itself, we must not forget about waterproofing and vapor barrier, as well as using materials that absorb water. This will lead to a decrease in thermal insulation characteristics and rapid deterioration of insulation. The expiration date for improper installation to decrease, need to replace the insulating layer, which would entail unnecessary waste.
When laying the vapor barrier, you need to check that the vapor barrier film or membrane is laid with the right side. When using insulation with foil layer, you need to remember that the reflective side is laid down. Foil reduces heat loss.
See the following video for the peculiarities of attic floor insulation.