Bedside sconces

After drawing up and designing the bedroom, it is necessary to properly organize the lighting. To create comfort they use not only ceiling chandeliers, but also bedside sconces, which harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.
Special features
Properly selected lighting creates a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere in the room. In some cases, for a bedroom there is no sense in acquiring a large ceiling chandelier, it is enough to competently hang out bedside sconces with a properly chosen shape and direction of lighting.
Before you start making repairs, you need to plan - what kind of lighting will be used.Choose the right size chandelier and do not forget about the wall lamp, without which the bedroom can not do.
Sconce refers to the local lighting and is mounted directly on the wall. Illumination from it can be point or diffuse, which depends on the selected lampshade or ceiling. The wall-mounted appliance is most often used in a room for rest and sleep, and is placed above the sleeping place for reading in bed or just relaxing before bedtime.
Spot lighting sconces are convenient to use and do not interfere with their light to other people in the room. Ideal for reading books and magazines in the bedroom, and also eliminates the need to constantly get out of bed to turn on or off the main room lighting. Attached above the bed two lamps of the same type and located close to each other will fit any style.
It is better to have them on both sides of the bed so that every bed can be lit enough.
Each device is connected to a separate switch, in this case, each person can safely enjoy reading without disturbing the other.
The main thing is to choose the right wall sconce model and correctly position them on the wall.
Style and form
Wall lighting can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a beautiful decorative element. The selected form of the wall lamp should fully complement the overall picture of the room and have many positive qualities:
- Classic option The placement of the wall sconce is a light fixture located on both sides of the double bed. If the bed is small, then it is enough to fix one lamp on either side of the wall. The case of the classical model is most often metal, from light aluminum alloys or stainless steel.
A long and narrow ceiling, mounted on a wall above a person’s head, creates a directional light that is perfect for reading or relaxing. For convenience, each wall lamp has its own switch, which saves a person from constantly getting out of bed to turn off the light.
The color of the ceiling of the lighting product is matched to the basic color scheme of the room and to the model of the ceiling chandelier.
- Wall sconce country style It has a body made from natural materials, most often wood. The lampshade and lampshade are made of glass, plastic or fabric. An excellent option for this style would be a sconce with a slight touch of vintage.
- Bedside lamp in minimalism style distinguished by its simplicity and brevity, as well as elegance. Each model has its own direct functionality.
- Bedside sconce in modernist style It is made of natural materials, with smooth flowing lines, without large sharp corners. Ceiling lamps have beautiful classic patterns.
Modern and popular models for wall sconces are dimmer productsWith the help of which the intensity of lighting is continuously adjusted. To this function is added: automatic shutdown of the device, control using the remote control, various variations with dimming and flickering of lamps.
Easy to use wall bending brasTheir leg helps guide the light to the right place. The product is made of light metal alloys, which are easily deformed and do not break.Devices on a flexible basis are designed to perform several tasks:
- Save space space.
- Direct the lighting to the desired point.
- Suitable for all modern styles.
- If necessary, you can get close to yourself reading lamps on the bed.
- The bendable leg allows you to direct the light to the desired corner of the bed or room.
Advantages and disadvantages of lamps above the bed
The benefits include:
- Versatility in use and a large selection of models that make it possible to expand the use of sconces.
- Wall lights are very convenient to use.
- Due to the small size and low weight of the product, bedside sconces are placed directly on the head of the bed or mounted above the bed.
- A beautiful decorative element suitable for all designer styles.
- Economical use of electricity.
- Easy to care and use.
There are also minor drawbacks of the devices:
- Before working on the decoration of the room, it is required to determine in advance where to hang the lamp.
- The difficulty in arranging the wiring before installing the built-in outlet.
Materials for the manufacture of wall lamps
Most often for the manufacture of bedside sconces using glass and metal. These lamps decorate the room, decorated in any style. Skilled craftsmen are able to make ceiling lamps for lamps of various shapes and sizes from these materials, retaining all the functional features:
- Glass Ceiling better diffuse the light. For the best lighting of the bedroom, select matte and tinted glass. A variety of patterns and designs are applied to the transparent surface, which advantageously emphasize the overall interior of the room. If wall sconces, made of good, expensive types of glass, are attached to the wall above the bed, this will be a chic highlight of the whole interior.
- Wall sconces with ceiling decorated different types of textiles, great for bedroom in country style. Fabric with a floral ornament adds to the whole atmosphere of romance and supports the style of the room. The main requirement in the manufacture of textile shade - fire safety. When using a heating lamp in the device, the fabric should be placed at a large distance from it in order to prevent spontaneous ignition.
For textile material, only safe coloring elements are used, so as not to distribute toxic substances when heated.
- This rule also applies to domes from plasticwhich are not recommended to use for a nursery and a bedroom.
- Much attention should be paid to the ceiling from rice paperwhich harmoniously fits into the eastern interior of the room. These sconces create a soothing atmosphere inherent in Eastern traditions.
- Natural wood refers to clean and environmentally friendly materials. If it is processed correctly, it is not capable of causing harm to human health. The wooden wall lamp gives off a pleasant aroma from the heated resin. The room with the use of wooden products looks gorgeous and stylish.
Proper room lighting
With properly organized lighting in the bedroom, it will be comfortable and conducive to healthy rest and sleep. To do this, it is necessary to divide the room into several zones, which are united by one light source. Separate corners of the room are illuminated by local sources - bedside lamps and sconces, which create a pleasant intimate atmosphere in the evening.
Lighting in the room should be unobtrusive and comfortable, and create enough light for all corners of the room. Before you attach the wall sconce over the bed, you need to decide on the following parameters:
- What height is required for a person to be comfortable using this light fixture. Most often sconces are mounted at a height of 1.2-1.6 meters from the floor. In this case, the lighting is enough to read books and turn off the device without getting out of bed.
- Each product should emphasize the main advantages of the entire interior.
- For a small room, pick up scattering devices and glossy wallpapers, which will reflect the light and visually enlarge the bedroom.
- Light should fall evenly.
- The switch is installed close to the bed to calmly reach out to him by hand.
Wall sconces are mounted at the same height for better dispersion of light. Decorative models will give the room originality and make it unique. Lighting should be softer for a bedroom than in other rooms. Bedside bras should not distract a lot of attention to themselves, they are set to maintain the general mood and local lighting.
The power of the wall unit should be sufficient for a person to have enough light to read books and magazines without straining his eyes.
Each lamp has its own color, which is suitable for a particular type of room. The pink shades of the lamps give romance to the bedroom, and the blue and green shades are cooler and deprive the room of coziness.
To achieve the desired result, you do not need to purchase special lamps of different colors, it is enough to find a lampshade of a certain color.
For wall sconces use various types of lamps:
- Incandescent bulbs are dimmer and give a harsh light that is not suitable for a rest room.
- Fluorescent lamps impair vision, and the room takes on an office look.
- Halogen lamps are considered ideal for a bedroom, they last a long time and perfectly save energy.
How to hang and connect the wall sconces yourself, you can find out by watching the video below.