Arbors from a tree: simple and beautiful options

Today, the cottage is an integral part of the life of almost every person. This is not only a place where you can relax after working days, for some people a country plot can become a second home. A beautiful gazebo - a symbol of comfort and decoration of the territory.

Now there are many different materials for construction, but most, as before, prefer wood. It is the most used material in any construction, and the manufacture of arbors is no exception. Being in such a building, you can fully relax and feel yourself in a homely cozy atmosphere. In addition, gazebos made of wood look simple and beautiful on any site, be it a country house or a country house.

Features and benefits

Before the owners of suburban areas often face the question of how to choose the design of the arbor of wood. To make the right choice, you need to study all the offers on the market very well. For this it is necessary to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of different designs.

Any wood, whether it is ordinary logs or products from an array, have many positive qualities. The most important of them is environmental friendliness, which is important for every person who cares about their health. In addition, in comparison with other materials, the construction of such gazebos will be much cheaper. Now wood can be purchased at any hardware store at an adequate price.

In addition, a wooden arbor can be made by hand. The construction of this design does not require special skills, so even a beginner will cope with it. Such material does not heat up in the sun and withstands heat, saving everyone who is hiding under a canopy from it. The last plus is the beauty of the gazebo. It does not matter whether the building was created by craftsmen or erected with his own hands, it definitely attracts the eye of any person passing by.

Like any other material, wood has disadvantages. If it is not treated with special antiseptics, it will have a short lifespan, because the tree is susceptible to rotting and attacks of termites. You also need to remove fallen leaves, in time to close up the cracks and cover the gazebo for the winter season.

Wood is an inflammable material. Therefore, the installation of a brazier or stove in the building may cause a fire. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat the wood with special compounds or simply avoid installing the heater in the gazebo.

Types and purpose

When choosing a place to install a garden arbor, most people want to hide it in a very quiet and distant corner in the country, which will be closed from prying eyes. This place should be perfect for relaxing. If there are children in the family, then the best place would be to build a playground. This will give an opportunity to relax adults, and children will always be supervised.

The purpose of the building is directly related to its location. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to decide for what it is necessary and understand whether it will be a corner for entertainment or for relaxation, a building with or without a barbecue grill. So, there are gazebos.

  • For solitude. This option is built for people who like to be alone. Here you can, for example, read a book, do knitting or embroidery. This type of gazebo is usually small and cozy.
  • For shelter. In such an arbor, you can hide from the rain or the sun. This is usually an unremarkable structure consisting of a roof, which is supported by pillars.
  • For review. This category includes buildings located in a country house with views of the mountains or lakes. Here you can not only relax, but also enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • For the company. Arbors of this category usually have large sizes, which can accommodate many relatives and friends. They must, above all, be a huge table and a lot of benches.

Types of wooden buildings are directly dependent on their forms. Traditional options are round, rectangular or octagonal structures. In addition, buildings to decorate the cottages or country houses are even made in the form of carriages or barrels. The choice of form is limited only by the imagination of the owner.

Installing a canopy is the easiest way to organize a place to rest. The design is a ceiling adjacent to the house areawhere they place the necessary furniture for the rest.

A round arbor is chosen by people who like to spend time with their family. For convenience, both the table and benches should be of the same shape.

Very popular will be rectangular or tetrahedral buildings. They are convenient in construction and in use. This is a classic that looks great on any site.

It will be difficult to build beautiful polygonal arbours yourself, so it’s better to turn to specialists. After all, for their construction will require knowledge of geometry and the ability to work with complex projects. Arbors of this type look very elegant and unusual.

The variety of forms is not all that manufacturers can offer. Gazebos can also be divided into open and closed.

Open type structures have a light and airy appearance. They are well ventilated due to continuous ventilation. An inexperienced person can also build such beautiful designs. They are used mainly in the summer. In the open gazebos you can spend family evenings, enjoying the singing of birds. True, with the advent of cold weather, they become almost useless.

Closed gazebos are a building with walls on all sides. Therefore, its main advantage is comfort and warmth. Neither wind nor rain is so terrible for such an arbor. They can be used even in the winter with a stove. In the gazebos you can even make windows, conduct electricity, which will allow you to use them at different times of the day and night, without interfering with your household.

Original design ideas

There are many interesting styles, so before you implement your design ideas, you need to familiarize yourself with their features. After all, the style most strongly influences what the finished structure will be. Arbors made of wood can be beat in different ways, styling them under Provence or Russian classics.


Arbor, built in this style, involves the construction of a log or high-quality timber. You can consider a few original design ideas.

Using as a source of inspiration traditional Russian fairy tales., you can make a gazebo in the form of a log house with a huge massive roof. In the middle to put a large carved table and benches made of thick logs, made under the old days.You can also build a house in the form of a luxurious tower with wooden lace and decorated with carved columns. The buildings, decorated in this style, look very elegant.

Another interesting idea is a gazebo, stylized as the house of Baba Yaga. Untreated logs will be suitable for its design, and chairs made of stumps or snags will serve as decoration. Rest in such a house will bring pleasure not only adults but also children.


The Chinese-style building always looks airy and elegant. The building usually completes the roof with all sorts of bends. All this is a feature of today's popular Asian design. The design itself consists of wooden columns, trimmed with curved bars. For decoration, you can use textile lights and curtains in one color.


Arbor in the style of minimalism without all kinds of excesses - this is a real Japanese style. At the base, as a rule, are beams, painted in a dark color, having no decorations. If the gazebo is closed, it can be supplemented with huge windows, as is fashionable to do in Asian countries. Often the building is complemented by a roof with two or even three tiers.


Fans of French romance choose Provence style. Arbor in this design is made of wood, or rather, from wooden slats, painted in a light color. It is a simple rectangular shape. The decoration is wooden lattices. As furniture, wicker chairs, chairs with carved legs and a small round table are suitable here. This style combines the simplicity of the village and aristocracy.


The Scandinavian countries are united by one thing - the difficult climatic conditions. Therefore, gazebos in this style are built to shelter from rain and wind. Usually these are closed buildings, which are also called grill houses. And if you put a stove in them, it will not be scary and cold.


Gazebo in Mediterranean style look simple and beautiful. Usually they consist of areas covered by a canopy on the columns. The sides are closed with light, bright curtains that resemble sails. Furniture should have to rest. This may be soft sofas or chairs, even the usual hammocks.

How to make your own hands?

Wooden arbors are different from other types of their beauty and simplicity in construction.Therefore, even an inexperienced person can build it himself, listening to some of the advice and recommendations of specialists. First you need to purchase all the necessary materials. They can be bought at any hardware store.

Then you need to stock up on the necessary tools, if there are none in the economy. Most of them can be rented for the time of construction. When everything you need is already at hand, you need to make drawings of a wooden arbor so that during construction you do not make mistakes.


Before you start work, you need to decide how large the gazebo will be. It is possible to experiment with size and shape, creating anything from small buildings in the form of a fungus to huge palaces. At the same time, both compact designs and luxurious gazebos can be beaten so that both the site owners and guests will like them.

If the site is small, then it is impossible to put a building on it, which will occupy most of the territory. For such a patio a small shed near the house will be suitable, protecting it from the sun and rain.

And vice versa, for a huge plot a closed gazebo will fit, resembling a guest house, where you can not only sit in the afternoon, but also spend the night if necessary.

Combination of materials

Wood combines perfectly with other materials. Most often the wooden base is supplemented with forged parts or additionally sheathed for reliability.

The frame of the gazebo can also be made of wooden beams, plastic pipes or of a shaped pipe. All materials, except polymers, require additional processing. Wood must be treated with a protective primer in two layers. Then paint over the metal frame by impregnation before the beginning of the structure, and the second time - after welding. And only then you can paint clean.

Sheathing can be any, but most often use wood. Such materials as polycarbonate, corrugated board, glass and even fabric will also be an excellent addition. All of them are perfectly combined with each other.

If we talk about frameless gazebos, then it is possible to build columns of brick or stone foundations. Such construction will be expensive, but the finished construction will last longer. The space between the columns can be made of wooden gratings. It will look beautiful. You can also make a combined arbor of wood and metal.

Required tools

Starting the construction of a wooden gazebo, you need to stock up on the necessary tools:

  • saw, so that you can cut the necessary bars or boards;
  • planer to handle the remaining knots;
  • nail hammer;
  • nails or screws;
  • chisel;
  • ax;
  • level so that everything is smooth and beautiful;
  • roulette.


Start any construction you need with a plan. After all, well-made drawings will not only speed up the process, but also help to calculate the budget for the construction of a wooden gazebo

Before you start making a plan, you need to decide on the main stages:

  • Where and how to locate the building on the site. To do this, take into account its location in relation to the house and other buildings located on the site.
  • What should be the configuration.
  • When will it be used: only in summer or in cold weather.
  • For what will be intended: only for recreation or as an alternative to the summer kitchen.
  • How many zones are needed. This may include the presence of barbecue or stove, as well as the number of entrances to the gazebo.
  • The location of the furniture.
  • The design of the building.

All these items will help save both money and most importantly, time.After all, thanks to the plan, you can immediately buy all the materials and tools and easily get to work.

At the preparation stage, you need to choose a place, tools, gazebo style. If there are many friends or relatives who often come to visit, you will need a large gazebo, and if you need a building for a secluded rest, then a small building will be enough.

When choosing a place, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that may later affect its durability. It should be well protected from drafts, have a good overview. The best place is considered a garden.

The simpler the construction will be, the less time it will take to build it. You can determine this by making drawings. If you expect a large number of connections and cuts, then most will not be easy to handle. And, on the contrary, if it is an open arbor and a shed roof is planned, then this option will become one with which you can easily cope without help.

Choosing simple buildings, you need to pay attention to those in which the functional is enough for all needs in the country or in a country house. Usually this is a generalized design that includes a table and stools or benches with backs, which are a continuation of the frame.

Such a structure as pergola has become very popular among garden arbors. It consists of crossed boards, which are attached to wooden posts. Inside these buildings feel the warmth and comfort. There is enough air, but at the same time, it perfectly protects from prying eyes. To make the gazebo perfect, it is often decorated with climbing plants, creating a romantic atmosphere in the garden. These can be roses, clematis or grapes.

There are several stages in the construction of a gazebo, and they are no different from other buildings. As in any construction, you must immediately lay the foundation. After all, its correctness is the key to success in the length of service of the building. There are several options for the foundation, but the simplest of them is the columnar one.

It includes the marking of wooden pillars and the tension between the ropes. Then, an upper layer of approximately half a centimeter is removed on the allocated area. After that, sand and rubble are poured ten centimeters. The last step is to concreting a layer of thirty centimeters.

The next stage is the formation of the subfloor.To do this, fit the board to get a flat platform. Next, the waterproofing and processing of the boards is done with copper sulphate to prevent rotting. A quality product also protects wood from pests.

The next stage is the construction of the frame. The number of supports in it depends on the weight of the roof. The lighter it is, the fewer columns you can put, as well as cheaper material. If on the contrary, then the supports are made of wooden boards. To the base of the frame attach floor logs, as well as vertical racks. You also need to make the upper strapping, for which use wooden logs.

This is followed by wall cladding. The easiest option is to use wooden boards. Depending on the design of the wall structure can be made of lattice or solid.

The next stage is the construction of the roof. Whatever form it is, it must be done with a slope so that water does not collect and does not spoil the wooden covering. Depending on the shape of the roof, the material for its roof is chosen. If the shape is flat, you can make a small flowerbed on its surface that will decorate the arbor.When making a pitched roof, it is necessary to tinker the ceiling with scraps of boards or plywood sheets.

Next comes the conduction of electricity. This is done so that you can sit in the evening with comfort. It is at this stage that safety is very important. The best option would be open wiring, which is laid in special channels made of corrugations. So the building is reliably protected from fire in case of any malfunction.

The last stage is the most enjoyable. This is a gazebo design. You can set the table and benches, hang light curtains, put garden figures inside or outside. By the way, when everything is ready, it is also important not to forget about caring for the building and not to forget about such moments as preparing for the winter period and cleaning the garbage. If the attitude to the construction is correct, then the gazebo can serve no season.


Gazebos can be decorated in different ways. You can decorate the building not only inside but also outside. Carving wood often adorn the supporting pillars. Finishing makes them not only unique, but also visually smaller, and also gives the construction of completeness.They can be decorated with elements of flat thread or floral patterns. Also, such decorative patterns will look great on skating roofs. Arbors, decorated in classic style, can be supplemented with carved wooden panels.

A very common way of carving is through-carving, made on the eaves or on the curb of the building. If the owner makes the building with his own hands, then carved patterns, made with the soul, will be the perfect decoration of the entire site.

Spectacular examples for inspiration

Gazebos made of wood are very beautiful and cozy. It is also important that everything eco-friendly and natural is now gaining momentum. Such buildings are made from different materials, for example, from uneven boards, from unedged boards or ordinary slats. All these materials are natural and are easily processed even by the hands of an incompetent builder. The description of some examples will allow to decide on the desired option.


Gazebo looks very gentle due to the light color of the tree. It consists of racks-pergolas of the same color, which are already wrapped around living plants. The roof, made of metal, looks beautiful on the background of light racks.Inside is a hexagonal table to match the arbor. The wooden floor also has the same color. Next to the building is a brazier, where you can fry meat or vegetables in a pleasant company.

The next option is a gazebo built in Russian style. It has a solid foundation and a multi-slope roof, as well as two entrances. This gazebo is not built for one generation. It looks like a full-fledged summer house in the village. The building stands out perfectly on the site. In such a gazebo you can spend time with the whole family. Both adults and children who will be interested to run from one entrance to another will be located here.

Gazebo, made in modern oriental styleIt has a roof of an unusual shape with upward curved edges. It is held on wooden rafters. Inside on both sides of the gazebo are wicker sofas. And in the middle is a round table. Behind the stove is located in which, if necessary, you can cook something tasty for your guests. The pillars are decorated with figures of oriental dragons that resemble characters from traditional Chinese myths and fairy tales. This gazebo fits perfectly into the design of the site,combined with a stone fence and well-groomed lawns.

Arbors from a tree are very beautiful and simple in construction. They delight the owners and help them to be closer to nature. Therefore, they become an outlet for city dwellers. Pergolas will be not only a wonderful addition to the site, but also a place where you can relax with friends or family.

How to make a gazebo with your own hands, see below in the video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.