Bath in the garage: how to do it yourself?

A garage with a bath is a multifunctional building in which you can work and relax and work. This opportunity attracts many people. Some prefer to create such a building with their own hands. In order for the rest to be complete, and nothing interfered with the work, you need to take care of the proper arrangement of such a combined room, of security.
Special features
This variant of construction is often used in the villages, where the owners try to place all the premises under the same roof.This option is considered the most universal. Such buildings take up much less space than others.
Such a building can be either one-story or two-story. It all depends on the features of the project, as well as how much free space there is. If you wish, you can arrange everything so that one of the rooms is located on the ground floor.
In any case, the option with combined premises is much cheaper.
The advantages of the combined version
When deciding to place a garage with a sauna under one roof, you need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of such a project and be able to turn the latter into advantages, having secured yourself and loved ones. The positive points include the following: doing a bath near the garage, you can put a good stove in it. All necessary materials for kindling will be at hand.
As a rule, in the far corner of the garage there is a special place for storing solid fuel materials.
It is also advantageous that you do not need to separately conduct communications to each room. They are combined. The heating system, for example, will be common, which means that in the winter it will also be possible to work in the garage and not get cold.
For avid car enthusiasts, it is very important that there is always an opportunity to clean up well after repairing a car and not to carry all the dirt into the house. The same applies to those who are actively engaged in gardening or working hard to maintain a decent view of their yard.
Selection of materials
Combined with a sauna garage can be made of different materials. As a rule, you have to focus on the budget, since all the options are from different price categories.
The general requirement for all materials that are used for the construction of a garage combined with a bath: they must be dense and retain heat indoors. For insulation can be used various materials - for example, insulating panels.
Most often, such premises make one-story. Lightweight materials are used for construction.
As a rule, such buildings are built from cinder block, foam blocks or other similar materials.
Often, builders recall old traditions and build baths combined with a garage from logs or durable glued timber. This is a traditional option that will decorate, for example, a rustic yard.However, it should be borne in mind that special attention should be paid to safety. The surface of the wood should be treated with special compositions that protect it from pests, and from corrosion, and from high humidity.
You should not exclude the option of building on one foundation of two buildings from different materials. For example, a traditional wooden sauna can be side by side with an iron garage. It is comfortable, practical and very beautiful.
Layout and design
If you are going to combine a bath and a garage, you need to plan everything, prepare a project. Detailed scheme allows you to understand how everything will look in the end. You can avoid errors that cannot be fixed.
Inside such an outbuilding there is a place for many zones. To save space in suburban areas, all the necessary premises are often combined into one utility unit. As a result, there is a garage, a sauna, and even a summer kitchen under the same roof.
If you plan to arrange a place for a pleasant stay in the company of friends, then a full sauna and a gazebo can be added to the sauna with a garage. A good bath with a terrace and looks beautiful, and it turns out very comfortable.
In the garage itself there may be an inspection well as racks for storing tools, parking space for cars. If there is enough free space, then you can also store equipment for garden beds, gardens, or even solid fuel for the stove in the bath.
For greater convenience, the bath may also be a steam room, washing or a dressing room.
In the presence of such a full-fledged sauna, you need to take care that hot air and high humidity do not harm the car.
In some cases, additional shelves for storing preserved and hand-grown vegetables are placed in the basement under the garage. So space is used as efficiently as possible, and banks do not occupy space on the shelves in the garage.
It is worth mentioning the need for communication. All systems must be approved in the project before the realization of your ideas in reality. It is necessary to connect only the most necessary.
It should always take into account how all this will affect the family budget.
Ideas for different areas
As in the standard, and in a fairly small room, you can easily locate the garage, combined with a bath or sauna.Each option with different parameters has its own characteristics that should be considered.
Small room
There are cases when it is necessary to save free space by all means, and all necessary zones should be placed in a building 6 x 4 or 6 x 7 in size. As a rule, in such situations most of the space is separated under the garage where the vehicle is located.
The average
When there is a little more space, you can allocate free space for a full sauna. In the garage in this case fit and racks, and a place to store fuel. On the shelves there is a place for garden tools, and for everything else that is used in the garden. Buildings of 10 x 4 meters will be enough for arranging a place where you can work and relax.
Construction Guide
Building a garage with a bath is a complex process that involves several stages at once. Projects of this type must be prepared in advance. To do everything according to the rules, it is recommended to prepare diagrams, drawings and assure them.
If desired, you can either build everything with your own hands, or seek the help of experienced professionals.Bath with a garage can be built either from scratch, or in parts, when another is attached to the finished room.
Determine the location
Garage and sauna, which are located in the same economic block, take quite a lot of space. For this reason, the area where construction begins should be sufficiently spacious and suitable for the size of the premises.
Such a block is built at a certain distance from the house. Those who build a building from scratch should consider the recommendations of specialists. First, the garage with a bath should be located five meters from the house, no closer. Secondly, the territory should not be too many trees, shrubs and other green spaces.
For ease of use, and the garage and bath can be positioned next to the well or column. This will facilitate the process of water supply and its removal. It is important to take into account how comfortable it will be to leave the garage. The gates of this building should go out either to the street or to the driveway leading to the exit from the courtyard. So the driver will be able to leave the yard even in bad, rainy weather.
Preparatory work
When the project is completed, you can proceed to the preparatory work. At this stage it is necessary to carry out all the necessary calculations. If the building is being built from scratch, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the soil, the weight of the foundation and the building, the depth of the water - and so on. Only in this case, the garage and sauna will turn out no less beautiful and reliable than the living space.
It is also necessary to calculate the number of materials that will be needed for work. In addition, you need to leave another twenty percent of the total budget for additional expenses, so that a shortage of materials at some point does not stop work.
Full arrangement of the bath deserves special attention. You can build it on the second floor or near the garage. The main thing is to make sure that the room has everything you need for a good rest, and at the same time the high humidity does not harm the walls or the nearby cars.
For a good bath is very important to equip the drain, because it is there that dirty water will go. In the garage building the presence of drain, as a rule, is not provided. For this reason, it is necessary to think over the sewage system separately.
The most affordable and easiest to implement option is to simply bring the drain pipe from the bath and connect it to the common sewer system. In this case, you do not have to build anything new or drastically change the drainage system on the site.
When the problem with the drain is solved, you can engage in putting in order the bath itself. If there is a place, it is better to immediately engage in the arrangement of a full steam room. At this stage, you need to put a good stove. You can either buy it or build it yourself (from the available blanks).
Be sure to take care of security. To do this, isolate all wires. So you can be sure that there will not be a closure, that the rest will not end in any trouble.
Examples for inspiration
Each owner at arrangement of the suburban site tries to make it more individual. However, sometimes you have to face situations where there is no inspiration and ideas for work. In this case, help simple examples of already finished work.
With parking
Materials are not always enough to build a full-fledged garage, combined with a bath.Sometimes such a building scares away the high cost of wood or blocks, in other cases there is not enough money to isolate one room from another and to ensure safety. Sacrificing a full-fledged garage is necessary in any case. However, this does not mean that the car will have to be placed directly in the open air, because you can always arrange a parking lot next to the sauna.
This example is a classic wooden bath with a sloping roof.which is additionally supported by columns. This is beneficial because the car is protected from sunlight, rain and snow. The main room is a sauna, in which there is enough space for a shower, and for a full-fledged steam room with a good stove.
For two cars and a sauna
If you are not short of money, you can build a beautiful sauna next to the house with a terrace and a garage for two cars. The presence of two gates will allow to keep the room warm, besides it will be very convenient to enter. On the other hand is the entrance to the bath. This is not just a steam room, but also a place for a good rest. After a good evening in the steam room, you can safely sit in the company of friends on the terrace, because there is definitely enough room for everyone.
Two-story building
This option is suitable for those who do not save, but trying to place everything they need in a small area. The first floor of such a building is reserved for the garage. A wide lift door will provide comfort when driving outside.
On the second floor you can arrange a bath: even in such a small area there is enough space for a steam room and a stove. A table or deck chairs can be placed on the balcony. The construction of this type looks good and without additional decoration, if there is an opportunity to decorate the finished building, you should use it. Massive stucco, beautiful wrought-iron elements and wide columns even make an economic construction truly luxurious.
To translate into reality a creative idea is not at all difficult - especially if you take into account all the recommendations of specialists and various nuances. The main thing is creativity and perseverance.
How to make a stove for a bath with your own hands, you can learn from the video below.