Sauna on the balcony: types and features of arrangement

Well, if you have a summer cottage and a bath on it. And what if you live in an apartment? It's so eager to relax and gain strength after a hard day at work in your own sauna. There is a way out - to equip it on the balcony or loggia.
If you are the owner of a large balcony, you can equip a bath room right here., of course, observing all the requirements of the law in the implementation of redevelopment. In your own sauna you will always be calm and confident that hygiene is maintained, and the room is clean, and you do not have to spend time on the road and paying for this expensive pleasure in other establishments.
Of course, you can purchase a ready-made mini sauna, but this will have to be spent considerably. It is easier to equip the construction of a mini steam room on the balcony with your own hands. Typically, the dimensions of a compact sauna reach 80 cm in width and 2 m in height. If you have building skills and a desire to make a steam room with your own hands - use the detailed instructions on the Internet and improvised means or hire a competent expert for professional advice.
Differences of Russian steam and Finnish saunas
Before you build a structure on the balcony, decide what it will be. For example, if the internal structure of the Russian steam bath and the Finnish sauna is almost the same, the heating and heating systems are completely different. In the Russian bath it is classic firewood and stones, which are supplied with water, as a result of which wet steam is obtained. And, of course, it is necessary to have a broom with which the body will be cleaned. But more modern Finnish saunas are usually equipped with electric furnaces and give dry steam.
Of course, a dry steam room is a simpler and more practical option.when there is no need to take additional space for firewood and clean the ashes in the stove and on the floor, and stones heated by an electric fireplace will raise the temperature in the room in just a few minutes.But the Russian steam room has its own “soul”, and who does not want to steam with a fragrant broom. The choice of the type of sauna - only for you.
Advantages and benefits of a compact steam room
The idea of a sauna on the balcony is ideal and fairly easy to implement. Most of the reviews about such a sauna are positive, and there are plenty of advantages and advantages to the design of the steam room on the balcony:
- minimal financial costs;
- the effect of this sauna;
- small sizes;
- the use of firewood is not required;
- rapid heating of the room;
- personal hygiene and safety (own steam room protects against diseases that can be transmitted in public places);
- convenience (no need to go out at home, you can steam at any time of the day or night).
How to build a mini bath on the balcony
Since the supply and output of water from the balcony to establish a very problematic and costly, it is necessary to limit the pair of procedures in the mini sauna, and continue to water in the bathroom or shower. Before the start of construction work, it is desirable to strengthen the construction of the balcony with supports, and then take care of the insulation of the room from the inside and outside. It is better that the sauna adjoins the walls of the building, and does not go out at least by one side to the street.After all, if the heat losses are too high, then the room will not be able to warm up to the required temperatures.
The walls of the steam room make "deaf", and in the "waiting room" (glazed part of the balcony) put double-glazed windows. Do not forget to provide a place for ventilation. Be sure to equip the steam room with a vent with a “plug” type. After each bath procedure, well ventilate the room to get rid of excess moisture, or do it in the process of washing, if there is a need to reduce the temperature in the steam room.
Necessary materials
A minimum of 2 people are required for installing the sauna. the following construction materials:
- insulation (mineral wool around the perimeter of the entire premises);
- bars along the height of the balcony;
- waterproofing membrane;
- asbestos cardboard;
- folgizol;
- cable;
- lining;
- trumpet;
- Styrofoam;
- boards;
- metal sleeve;
- auxiliary tools.
Sauna insulation
Along with reliable plastic windows, which will help keep the temperature in the “waiting room” as best as possible, additional insulation and insulation of the steam room will be needed. For insulating the ceiling of the room, an insulating material such as mineral wool is suitable. It is durable and absolutely safe to use.On the ceiling, bars are fixed approximately 35 cm apart and mineral wool is placed in the space between them, and then folgoisol is fixed.
Before processing the walls you need to install the wiring from the meter to the sauna. It is worth using a special heat-resistant cable. To save the area of the balcony outside it should be insulated with foam. Inside bars are laid up vertically 50x50 mm at a distance of about half a meter. The space between them for insulation is filled with mineral wool. Then the walls are covered with folgoisol, on which the slats are subsequently nailed. At the end, this construction is sheathed with clapboard or other wood material. Perfect for finishing boards with shrinkage less than 10%.
Before floor insulation, keep in mind that the floor construction itself must be mounted with a slope to the street so that condensate and moisture do not accumulate inside the room and do not create problems for you and your neighbors. Lags 30 cm apart are filled on the floor and filled with mineral wool. The floor is first covered with waterproofing and then with boards. And in the steam room, the floor is at least 10 cm higher than in the rest of the room, in order to provide additional outflow of fluid.
Installation of heating elements
The main heating element in the sauna steam room is an electric sauna stove or a factory stove. If you choose an electric fireplace, the infrared burner will heat the room. The stone container on top helps not only to quickly warm up the room, but also gives off steam. By the way, the total weight of the stones should not exceed 15 kg - this is quite enough to warm up the steam room. The stove is connected through its own RCD on the 25A to a separate outlet.
Choose heating elements that are adapted to the conditions of the sauna and protected from the ingress of condensate. On such furnaces, the terminals are usually located at the back and protected from moisture. In addition, the stove, it is desirable to have a burnable grill and a special tray for water. For security reasons, the surface around the stove should be finished with asbestos cardboard, which has a high heat resistance.
When installing the room steam room pay special attention to where the electrical wiring will take place. From the distribution panel is to lay the cable with the automatic security. But from the outlets and distributors inside the sauna should be abandoned for security reasons.For illumination in the steam room, spot-type closed luminaires are used, for example, devices of class IP54 with protection against water.
Read the instructions for the lamp - the work temperature must be specified at least 120 C. So that the light does not hit in the eyes and does not interfere with sitting, mount the lamps in the corner on the back wall. In the shops you can find all sorts of wooden lampshades - they fit perfectly into the design of the sauna room.
Finishing work inside the sauna
The material for finishing the steam room is best suited for wood from larch, linden, poplar or aspen. It is better to avoid the use of excessively resinous rocks, since resin can be released from wood at particularly high temperatures and create an overly strong odor.
Depending on what type of sauna you choose (corner or wall), it is important to rationally plan the location of the seats and stoves. The compact steam room on the balcony is usually designed for 2 people, and the shelves will be small - the width of the balcony. For the construction of 2 tiers, the bars are fastened to the floor and between themselves, and then the seats are created with a minimum distance between them - 50 cm.
After fixation, all surfaces are ground and covered with a solution to prevent swelling from moisture and drying from excessively high temperatures. The doors of the steam room can be made of wood or heat-resistant glass. In order to save space, the doors must necessarily open to the outside. And you should not use a lock on the door, because if a person becomes ill in the sauna, access to it should be open. And one more important nuance: be sure to cover all the screws in the steam room with wooden plugs. This will help you avoid possible burns from the hot metal.
Sauna decoration
At the end of the construction work it is worthwhile to arrange the room for the steam room and the “waiting room” in a beautiful and practical way. Clothes hangers can be made with your own hands. Get a special thermometer to control the thermal regime inside the steam room. Please note that in the sauna, you should use decorative elements solely of wood or other natural heat-resistant materials.
Since health is largely dependent on hygiene and cleanliness, do not forget to clean and dry the sauna after each session, and when using electrical appliances and a stove to observe safety measures.
For a long time, balconies and loggias have ceased to be exclusively a place for a smoke break, a storage room for preparations for the winter, and a storehouse of unnecessary things. More and more modern people are trying to use this space in the apartment with benefit, making functional rooms such as a kitchen, a room or even a sauna out of the balconies. Someone "bath" on the balcony will seem impossible task. But this is not at all the case, especially since the majority of Russians live in small apartments and they simply do not have the opportunity to take a steam bath.
Surely you will not regret if you choose exactly the sauna option on the loggiaAfter all, such a procedure will help not only to relax, but also improve health, as steam removes toxins from our body. Spending not so much time and money, you can realize your dream, and then you will not need to envy the owners of private houses. How nice it is to relax after a long working week, “recharge the batteries” and just have a good time with your family and friends in your own sauna.
Review of the sauna on the balcony, see the following video.