Where to locate and how to equip the sauna?

Our people are hard to surprise with such innovation as a sauna. Even in ancient times, every house in Russia should have a steam room, where people not only washed, but also had intimate conversations, and also took healing procedures. Today, they were partially replaced by saunas, and people, as before, go to the steam rooms with friends or with their families to relax and enjoy.
Special features
The word sauna, like this phenomenon itself, appeared a long time ago. They existed in ancient Rome, and Egypt, and a little later in other countries. Sauna has much in common with the Russian traditional bath. It is a large or small room where the stove is located.With the help of a heating unit, the temperature in the room heats up to one hundred and twenty degrees, which is why a vapor effect is created.
Sauna can be located both in a private house and in a city apartment. In many small countries, this is not so much the norm, so much a necessity. Saunas are divided into two main types - ordinary, where they simply warm up the air, and infrared, where they use different types of fuel.
Between the sauna and the bath there are not only similarities, but also differences.
- In the bath there must be a tank with water, but in the sauna it is not, because it is considered dry.
- The stones lie closed, and in the sauna, on the contrary, open. Due to this, the temperature rises.
Also in the sauna, the predominance of dry air creates a feeling of dry throat.
The swimming pool with cold water must be present in the sauna. to create a contrast of temperatures. In the baths there is no pool. After all, before, as a rule, they were built by the river, and also poured icy water from a well. An essential attribute of the bath was a birch besom, with the help of which, lashing a person, the effect of a healing massage was created. In modern dry saunas, this is unacceptable, because from the heat the leaves fall off quickly.
Advantages and disadvantages
Sauna has many advantages and disadvantages.Often people do not think about them, which can very badly affect their health. Therefore, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of being in a sauna.
Traditionally, the sauna was used not only as a steam room, but also as a place for therapeutic procedures or even childbirth. Sauna, unlike the rest of the rooms, has always been sterile.
Rest in such a steam room has a good effect on human health. When he is in the sauna, his vessels expand, his pores open. There is profuse sweating, with which toxins and impurities are removed from the body. Therefore, in the steam room, you can make healing masks for the face and body. To narrow the pores, you can use cucumber or lemon, as well as masks of oatmeal. This will not only benefit by cleansing the skin, but will also give it a healthy look.
Sauna also helps in the fight against obesity. To enhance the effect, you can apply a wrap made of clay and honey. After all, blue clay fights cellulite well. Therefore, the sauna helps people become healthier and more beautiful.
Sauna has disadvantages, that is, contraindications. For example, if a person has acute infections, tumors, tuberculosis, thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases, in no case should he go to the sauna.After all, it can lead to irreversible consequences, and not to benefit.
Special attention should be paid to the rules of visiting any bath or sauna.
After all, if you neglect them, then visiting the steam room will not please, but disappoint.
- You can not go to the sauna immediately after a meal.
- Drink alcohol and smoke indoors. All this can give an additional load on the heart and lead to bad consequences.
To avoid infection with all sorts of diseases, you need to have your own rubber slippers, hat, towel and soap. Entering the steam room, you need to take a warm shower to protect the body from drying out, then put on a hat so that there is no heat stroke.
It is necessary to be located immediately on the lower shelf. The very first call should be no more than ten minutes. Then you need to go out and take a cold shower, relax for about twenty minutes, drink tea or ordinary water without gas, and only then come back. Many people do not like such a complicated procedure, although it is also impossible to call it a full-fledged minus.
Now there are many varieties of saunas, among which you should pay attention to the most popular.
Russian traditional bath
Now one of the most popular options, like many centuries ago, is a simple Russian bathhouse. It is a separate room, which is made of logs. In the middle of the room there should be a massive brick stove designed for heating the steam room.
Stones are placed in the furnace, which are heated to very high temperatures. Then they are poured with water to form steam in the room. The more the stones are watered, the more steam and the more the temperature in the room will increase. In order for the stove to cool, it is necessary to throw firewood more often.
Finnish sauna
A modern sauna is a dry air steam room, but the traditional Finnish sauna is the same Russian sauna where steam is produced by just pouring water on the stones. The only difference from the usual Russian bath is that the level of moisture in the steam room is not more than fifteen percent. Therefore, sweat does not flow through the body, but evaporates, which contributes to weight loss. Due to this, this sauna and receives a lot of positive feedback.
Outwardly, they are also very similar, but at the same time they have different dimensions. A Finnish sauna can accommodate from two to eight people. It has one or two rooms. In a modern sauna, you can adjust the temperature and even the level of humidity in a traditional steam room.
Roman sauna
Such premises were popular in ancient times, however, they were accessible only to the rich class of people. While now they are visited by all. The structure included a dressing room, a mini-room with warm water, and a separate room with hot water. They were heated with pipes placed under the floor. Hot air was moving along them, coming from a bronze brazier in another room, and a pool was also located here.
Turkish sauna
The building consists of a waiting room, an intermediate room where you can relax after the steam room. Turkish baths, called hamam, are divided into two halves - for women and for men.
Heated hammam using a stove. It is a large boiler filled with water. When water boils in it, hot steam comes out of it through small holes, which fills the entire room. A visit to a Turkish bath is considered mandatory, therefore there are many of them in Turkey.After all, they are considered a source of pleasure and health.
We have Turkish baths are a little less common and are considered quite luxurious.
This is the most unusual sauna, which is a small pool or an ordinary barrel. The water in it is heated to a temperature of thirty-five to forty degrees. Plunging into such a barrel, you need to make sure that the water does not cover the chest, where the heart is. Various medical herbs are also added to the water.
There is also another type of Japanese sauna, where instead of water, cedar sawdust is poured into the barrel. They are heated to fifty degrees and immerse a person there for literally ten minutes. In this case, therapeutic essential oils released from sawdust, get into the skin of a person through the open pores and heal it.
Cedar mini-sauna
Another type of sauna from the barrel. Made from natural cedar, it has gained great popularity due to its healing properties. Invented it many years ago to combat various skin and catarrhal diseases.
Now this type of sauna is acquired in small apartments, where it will not only fit, but will also serve for a long time.With the help of such a mini-steam room you can not only relax, but also remove toxins and wastes from the body. Using it regularly, you can rejuvenate and tighten the skin, as well as charge the body with energy.
Sauna earthen
A very small sauna, which is built over a previously dug hole. This design has an unusual peat roof. The stove-heater is located on the side, and shelves are located opposite the wall opposite.
Forest Sauna
Designed for recreation after fishing and hunting. It has a room for the night. Kamenka is used not only to heat the sauna, but also to cook food.
This type of sauna is very popular and common among hunters, fishermen and recreation enthusiasts.
Ice sauna
Got a lot of popularity. They build it in big frosts of ice, the thickness of which must be at least thirty centimeters. Shelves are made of wood, and the roof is covered with branches of spruce. When swimming in such a sauna, a person feels great. Spruce branches not only serve as a roof, but also have healing vapors released during the heating of the sauna. Steam creates a thick fog and helps to relax. You can use this sauna up to fifty times.True, it is contraindicated for those who have any disease.
The last types of saunas are not suitable for location in an apartment, but there is a place for them near the private house.
Now it’s far from the times when the sauna was a pleasure, accessible only to the rich. Today, everyone can afford this luxury.
It can be arranged both in the apartment, and in a private house or in the country.
The sauna built into the room consists of a wooden box heated by a stove. In the apartments for heating it can only be used electric heater. For giving or a private house, a wood-burning stove is suitable.
Now the stores sell ready-made prefabricated or built-in mini-saunas. If this is a composite model, then it is mounted from ready-made shields on the basis of the designer. Such a building is very beneficial in that it can be disassembled and moved to another place. The built-in sauna cannot be moved.
Therefore, when you move it with a pick up will not succeed.
In branded stores you can buy different versions of models of saunas. This is a large family and small corner booths, which can be placed in the bathrooms, combined with shower cubicles.
Also, the sauna can be made to order from different types of wood.You can install it in the shower room, in the pantry, and even fence off part of the corridor under the steam room.
Outside the city in the country or in a private house sauna is often settled in the garage. This solution has many advantages. This and reducing financial costs, and carrying out communications, such as sewage, electricity, water pipes that connect both rooms.
Build a room such as a sauna, combined with a garage, in two floors. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the construction. This includes a drive to the garage, a sewage system, and the insulation of the sauna room, and the installation of a stove.
Thermal insulation
Thermal insulation should consist of two layers of any material, glass wool is best suited here. This is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain harmful substances, which is important when high temperatures are reached.
Sewage system
The easiest option would be to hold the pipe to the nearest sewer. The pipes are hidden under the flooring. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to make a cesspool near the garage.
When buying or building a stove, be sure to consider which of the heating options will be the best.An iron stove, for example, will not keep the heat warm for very long, but it must be melted and heated very quickly. You can put a brick oven. In this case, the opposite is true - and kindling takes more time, and the heat lasts longer.
In private houses, the sauna in the basement is very popular. This allows you to rest and relax without leaving the house, as well as save territory on a small plot. To organize a sauna in the basement is simple and expensive at the same time. After all, if some other zone had already been equipped in the basement, it would be necessary to replace or re-plan everything.
It is necessary to make a chimney, and provide the sauna with appliances for drying. Wiring is better to spend under the floor. Insulation should be made of material with a foil gasket. It is necessary to make good ventilation, providing fresh air, especially to the stove.
The stove is the most important place in the sauna. For its arrangement it is necessary to make a reliable foundation. The stove is built so that the furnace goes into the waiting room, and the chimney through a window in the wall of the socle. Also, there must be a separate exit to the street.
Starting to build a sauna, you need to familiarize yourself with their standards and regulations.
The minimum size of the sauna, of course, you can choose yourself, but still there are the traditional dimensions of the room, which, if observed, will help save materials.
Sauna height
Indoors, the height of the steam room should be approximately two meters and ten centimeters. When installing shelves for lying, you need to consider that the height from the ceiling to the upper shelf can be about one meter and ten centimeters. Indeed, in a sauna, the temperature is higher closer to the ceiling.
In order for water not to fall into another room, door sills set twenty, thirty centimeters above the floor.
Area of the building
At home, the size of the mini-saunas are determined depending on how many people will bathe in it. For each person in such a steam room, the correct area should be approximately two meters. The most optimal size for a mini-sauna is 2 x 1.8 meters.
Having correctly calculated the dimensions, it is possible to save not only electricity, but also time to warm up the sauna.
Being engaged in planning a sauna in an apartment or house, you can make a real highlight of it, no matter where it is located. The main thing - to create a thoughtful plan and stick to it. The room must fit the parameters of the sauna. It can be equipped both in the basement and in the attic, even to be combined with the shower. If the work is carried out on a country site, then you can build a full-fledged sauna in the form of a separate building or extension to the house.
In general, the sauna is not a very large room with a stove and shelves. But if a person is not limited in means, then it can be made more and more multifunctional. For example, add to the locker room and a room with a shower, and even a gym or a large room for relaxation.
All this is selected individually, depending on how many people will be in it, what their needs and wishes.
Finishing and design
Having decided to equip the sauna in the house, you must first explore the technical side of the finish. If the budget is not very big, and you want to make everything beautiful, you will have to work well.Creating the basis of the sauna, it is necessary to decide whether it will be a separate room or room combined with a bath or shower. If the area allows, it is better to make a sauna separately, so that you can safely relax, without interfering with other family members.
Ceiling and walls
Being engaged in finishing the walls and ceiling, you must remember that it must be wood. It is desirable to make the sauna itself from bars, this will be relevant for the steam room and for the rest room. The cheapest material is considered to be lining of aspen or lime. It is a moisture-resistant tree, which has, among other things, also medicinal qualities. Of course, you can take wood more expensive species, but the price in this case will be much higher.
This finish can be used in the shower room. Humidity in this room will be higher, and the temperature, on the contrary, lower, so you will need to make protective panels of tempered glass. This will protect the wall panel from splashing water, and it cannot deteriorate too quickly.
Glass can be selected as transparent and frosted.
Also for the decoration of the walls are often used porcelain or stone, which, in combination with wood, looks stylish and beautiful. But it is expensive.In addition, the wooden base of the walls in itself looks really beautiful, and it should not be hidden from prying eyes.
When finishing the dressing room, where the microclimate is not the same as in the steam room, you can use inexpensive, respectively, less durable wood, such as pine.
Wooden floors in the sauna is better not to do. After all, they very quickly begin to rot and lose presentability. Therefore, for floors it is better to use ceramic tiles, for which it will be convenient to take care. At the same time it will serve longer. Wicker bamboo mats can be put on top of the tile so that it is not slippery and you can step on the floor hotly.
You can also pick up solid wooden ladders.
For the rest room fit planed board. And in the shower over the concrete screed with a warm floor at the bottom you can even put river pebbles. This will save money on laying tiles, as well as provide a daily foot massage, which is very healthy.
If the sauna is small and at the same time it has three separate rooms, then the doors to the steam room and the shower room can be made glass. This will help you feel comfortable and not be afraid of the confined space.It is still better to do the handles on the door from wood so that it is convenient to take it, and the palm does not slide.
It is imperative to put a hygrometer near the door to measure humidity, and a thermometer to measure air temperature. This will always make you feel comfortable and always catch the moment when it is better to go out so as not to harm your health.
You can create a modern style in the steam room by finishing the walls, the ceiling and the stove. It is easy to sheathe walls with boards of different shades or to decorate with an ornament. And you can do the interior in ecostyle, adding to the room with a large number of shelves and benches in the steam room.
The use of built-in lights, LED strips, which may have different light shades, will be very effective. This will not only add light to the room, but also make it brighter and more interesting.
However, for such lighting is necessary to choose heat-resistant tape, which are covered with silicone.
For the design of the shower, you can use all the same wicker and wooden decorative elements. You can even find a large barrel of natural wood, which is so nice to jump after the steam room.
In the lounge there is no need to get involved in the decor. It is enough just to put a wooden table and wide benches decorated with carvings. The small samovar with the service will be a great addition. On the table, you can decompose fragrant herbs or sachets.
On the walls it is worth attaching shelves for bath accessories, and also place hooks under towels and bathrobes. So everything you need will be at hand and at the same time in complete safety. At the same time, a free space will be preserved in the waiting room, where there will be enough space to take a breath after the steam room.
Fire safety requirements
Before you equip the sauna at home, you need to learn the safety rules, because it is above all. If an electric furnace is installed in the sauna, then it must be factory-fitted with an automatic shut-off, which is triggered immediately after the desired temperature is reached in the sauna. To connect you need to use a fire-resistant cable. Wiring must be conducted separately, insulating it securely.
The sauna should have a good ventilation system, as well as a fire alarm. Sauna must be installed in brick houses or houses with reinforced concrete floors.It is imperative that you have the necessary documents from the fire department, the sanitary epidemiological station, and the housing service. If the sauna is redesigned, then you need to contact the BTI.
In the sauna itself, the wiring should be well insulated and grounded. It should also have automatic protection. It is necessary with particular attention to choose the power of the stove, so that it matches the volume of the steam room.
Wood for finishing the sauna is allowed to use only with special impregnation, so that it does not rot and does not catch fire. Materials must be natural, because any coating of varnish or paint will not only collapse at high temperatures, but also release toxic substances.
Additionally, you need to make overlap with high heat dissipation. Insulation at the same time should not be thinner than fifty millimeters. The power of the furnace must match the power grid in the apartment. A standard network can withstand up to six kilowatts. This will be enough to heat the sauna for two or three people.
Beautiful design examples
Sauna is a place where you want not only a break from everything, but also relax and enjoy. Including aesthetic.Therefore, the appearance of the sauna is of great importance. To determine the choice of style and materials, you can consider several beautiful options, thought out to the smallest detail.
- If the apartment is small, but you still want to have a cozy sauna at home, then the barrel sauna will be the ideal option. Such a sauna fits perfectly even on the balcony, in contrast to the huge structures with slide and washing. Steaming in such a barrel, you can relax no worse than in nature or in a full-fledged sauna. The only drawback of this option is the absence of a shower and changing rooms.
- Also a great option for an apartment would be a sauna in the bathroom. Mini-sauna fits easily here. Plus, you do not have to connect the communications, because they have already been held. In such a mini-sauna can easily fit two people, and after a pleasant stay, you can take a shower in the bathroom next to it.
- If there is not only an apartment at the disposal, but also a country house or a dacha, then a separate room can be allotted for the sauna. You can arrange it in a rustic style. In the corner of the room to put a large stone stove, decorated in the Russian style, to make large wooden shelves, perfectly combined with the stove.In such a sauna, made under the traditional Russian bath, you can have fun with a big company.
- If you want to have a more modern interior, then you can do it by playing with light. Wooden shelves and walls can be decorated with the help of modern lamps installed throughout the room. They create comfort and tranquility. In addition, this room immediately seems more modern.
Today, the sauna is considered a place where not only you can relax, but also recover from various ailments. It allows you to create a special atmosphere in the house and immediately becomes a favorite place to relax with guests or relatives.
Therefore, as soon as possible it is worth thinking about arranging it in your apartment or house.
How to build a sauna with your own hands, see the video below.