How to make a furnace for the bath of metal with your own hands?

Once the bath was in every yard, especially in the villages, now it is a great rarity. It is quite difficult to find a specialist in laying furnaces, and not everyone can afford the payment for his work. But for lovers of the bath there is a way out of this situation - a metal stove.

Features: pros and cons

The real connoisseur of the Russian bath prefers, of course, a brick stove, it keeps the heat for a long time, with its help the air in the baths is created more humid. These characteristics have a beneficial effect on human health, which is undoubtedly an advantage of the Russian bath. It is troublesome to melt such a furnace with firewood to the desired temperature and it will take from 3 hours to a day. It requires serious, regular care, it needs to be cleaned every year, sifted, lubricated at least once every 2-3 years, for this, too, you need a specialist and a lot of money. Also need a substantial supply of firewood.

The metal furnace quickly heats up to red and quickly cools, emits hard infrared radiation, strongly dries the air. It is available for purchase at prices ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles. But the cheap options are short-lived, and not everyone can afford the expensive ones, and it’s not a fact that they will meet all your requirements. You can make a metal stove for the sauna with your own hands, the main thing is to be able to handle the welding machine or have a professional welder as a friend. Purchase material for its manufacture is not a problem, you can do it even in places buying scrap metal.

Self-made ovens are varied in their design and depend on the size of the bath, imagination, possibilities, and most importantly, the preferences of the owner. In the Finnish bath, the air temperature reaches 85 degrees, and the air humidity is low - from 5 to 15%. In the Russian traditional bath, the air temperature should be 55-65 degrees, and the air humidity should be up to 60%. It will depend on this design features of these products for the bath.

In the Finnish bath, for optimal heating of the room, a large furnace part is needed, which warms the air around it.For such a stove, it is not necessary to do a sauna stove, and if they do it, it is small and not closed, because steam in such a bath is not necessary.

In the Russian bath, on the other hand, the stove should produce a kind of fog with a temperature of 150 degrees. Such an effect can be obtained with the help of stones heated to no less than 500 degrees, preferably in a closed large heater arranged on top of the firebox.

What result should be obtained from the metal stove:

  • the rate of heating of the steam room;
  • longer maintain heat in the stove and bath - this will help to increase the size of the furnace and (or) the creation of the heater, arranged inside or outside the stove;
  • saving space in the steam room;
  • security.

Types of construction

Due to high temperature loads, the fuel assembly itself is made of heat-resistant raw materials with good heat dissipation: thick-walled steel, heat-resistant (chamotte) bricks, and stone.

Self-made iron furnace for a bath can be divided by design features.

  • The furnace body is positioned vertically or horizontally to the floor;

Two-chamber furnace with a vertical loading of firewood, the heater is located in the furnace body.A stove with three compartments and a horizontal load of firewood, a heater and a water tank are located above the furnace next to it:

  • metal furnaces with a firebox door, placed in a dressing room or located in the steam room;
  • with a heater located inside or on top of the stove;
  • a stove with or without a water tank.

A furnace with a vertical firebox takes up less space in the steam room, but firewood also burns faster, since the flame captures the entire volume of the firebox. To maintain a constant air temperature in the steam room, it will be necessary to throw firewood more often, which, of course, does not bring comfort at all. In the firebox, located horizontally, it will take more time to burn the fuel, however, and this stove takes up more space in the steam room, so it’s better to take the firebox to the waiting room. The stoves melted from the waiting room occupy less space in the steam room, the firebox can be made longer, which will allow longer time to burn through the wood and in the steam room it will be cleaner. The stove, which is located in such a way, will heat both the steam room and the dressing room, but in order to throw wood, you will have to go out of the steam room.

To understand what is a stove with an internal or external heater, you need to figure out what is a heater. This is a metal or coarse mesh compartment into which stones are loaded. Kamenka are open or closed.The volume of the compartment is determined by the owner himself based on the size of the room, the furnace and his desire - more is the volume of stones, more steam is obtained. It is important that the stove can heat the stones to the desired temperature, for a steam room of 14 square meters. m. enough heaters with dimensions of 30x40x30 cm. To service a closed heater, it is necessary to provide a hatch in the upper part of the stone compartment through which you could reach its bottom.

Consider the most affordable in the manufacture of options sauna stoves made of metal:

  • with a horizontal firebox heated in the steam room (made from an old gas cylinder);
  • with a stove and a firebox door located in the dressing room (made of 530 mm pipe);
  • with a vertical boiler and three compartments;
  • a kiln lined with chamotte bricks inside the firebox or red outside;
  • in the form of a boot made of sheet iron with a heater located in the chimney and a stainless steel water tank.

To turn an unnecessary cylinder with a diameter of 500 mm into a small mobile stove with a horizontal furnace for a bath, you will need more scrap metal. The device of the second furnace differs from the first only in the presence of an uncovered stove and a wood burning compartment that leads to the next room.The third furnace is a boiler in which there are three compartments: a firebox for firewood, a heater located inside, a stainless steel heating tank.

The big connoisseurs of the Russian bath understand that it is difficult to heat the stove before creating a light steam, to keep the temperature in the room no more than 70 degrees. To achieve the desired effect, eliminating the temperature overheating of the steam room, you can veneer a metal furnace with a heat-resistant material. The walls in such a furnace are not heated very much, the main heat is heated by the heater of the heater, but this design carries an increased fire hazard due to the high temperature in the chimney. This danger can be reduced by arranging a sauna heater around the chimney and / or a water tank. It is simpler to impose a furnace on the outside, but then the metal walls quickly burn through. This process can be slowed down using thicker metal or leaving a gap between the lining and the metal furnace.

In the design of the stove in the form of a boot, there are also three sections, but a horizontal-type firebox, the heater is located in the chimney itself, which eliminates the temperature loss of the chimney and allows you to heat up to 24 square meters.In this design, the output of smoke is delayed by the stove, as if enveloping it, it warms the stones and does not allow the heat to evaporate immediately. This reduces the heating time of the room to the maximum temperature, allowing for a long time to keep warm, and, accordingly, saves wood.

If there is no water tank in the design of the stove in the bath and it is not possible to install an electric water heater, make a steel heat exchanger, install it on the chimney, connect it with pipes to the water tank that is in the washing area, and the heat energy generated by the chimney will benefit .

Heat exchanger made of stainless steel with embedded inserts for connecting hoses or tubes using clamps: The interior of the bath usually consists of wooden elements, and the furnace is heated to high temperatures. To ensure the safety of people in the steam room, from burns and prevent a fire, the stove must be covered.

Ways to protect wooden elements and people:

  • make brickwork on three sides, separating the stove from wooden elements;
  • sheathe the furnace with a thin stainless steel frame with air exchange holes.

Schemes and sizes

Buying ready-made grates and doors will speed up and simplify the process of manufacturing the furnace, but then the holes in it should correspond to their sizes. Handmade parts will be the size you need. The simplest method of making a furnace is to use a cylinder after gas.

Drawing of the manufacture of such a furnace from an old cylinder

It is also easy to make an oven using a pipe as a case, since the air flow, flowing around the walls of the case, improves heat transfer. The body is almost seamlessly safer, it will last much longer, and it is more convenient to clean the round firebox. To calculate the length of the external firebox, it is necessary to know the thickness of the adjacent wall.

Drawings of a metal stove with a housing made of 530 mm pipe, the firebox door is located in the adjacent room:

A stove with a vertically located “three in one” boiler is also made of 530 mm pipe. The difference of this stove from the previous options is not only in location relative to the floor. It has three sections: a firebox, a heater and a water tank, located vertically, one above the other. The furnace heats the stones, and the water heats up from them.The temperature of the chimney is used in heating stones and water; it is located inside the heater and the water tank. The volumes of the chambers can be changed at your own discretion, but you should understand that when you increase the size of the firebox, you will rarely need to add firewood, since they will burn longer in time. A large heater will warm up longer and keep the temperature for a longer time.

Drawing with the dimensions of a vertical oven with three cameras

To the stoves of the first two options, you can install a water tank and a heater on top, only next to each other, and not above each other. So the number, size of chambers in your stove will depend on how much and at what temperature you like to steam and how much water you need at the right temperature.

The furnace body of almost any design and size can be overlaid outside with bricks, but it is simpler if it has a simple configuration. The main thing is that it should be made of thick constructional or heat-resistant steel. The inside of any firebox can be laid out with bricks, only this is much more complicated. Immediately consider a larger firebox, taking into account the brickwork, and eliminate the increased fire hazard in the manner described above.

The stove for a bath in the shape of a boot, also at your discretion, can have the dimensions you need both of the stove itself and of its sections. The design of this stove is carried out by welding parts cut from sheet iron (5 to 10 mm thick), with a stainless steel water tank and a heater located inside the chimney.

Manufacturing steps

Instructions for making a simple oven from an old cylinder:

  • unscrew the valve from the cylinder with the usual key of the desired size;
  • we fill the balloon with water in order to force out the remaining gas and avoid an explosion;
  • grinder cut the upper part of the cylinder along the seam;
  • we make holes in the cut off part in order to install the doors and in the housing for the chimney pipe;
  • we weld the grid-irons from metal bars, install them on the corners welded in advance in the balloon;
  • weld the previously cut off upper part of the container into place;
  • we fasten hinges for the doors and locks to the doors;
  • cut the required size of the legs, use a 40 mm pipe for this and fasten them to the bottom of the case;
  • we install a chimney pipe;
  • a furnace for burning out the remnants of the old paint is melted in the open air;
  • degreased, covered with heat-resistant enamel, dried;
  • we make installation of the furnace on the place constantly.

The manufacture of a metal stove with a firebox door located in the adjacent room begins with cutting metal elements according to the previously submitted drawing:

  • cut a place at the top of the pipe for the chimney nozzle, weld it;
  • weld legs in the lower part of the pipe;
  • we put in grates made on the same principle as in the gas cylinder;
  • we manufacture the front section according to the sizes, we weld it to the firebox;
  • the opposite end of the pipe is closed by welding with a piece of metal of the desired size;
  • we make doors, we insulate them with basalt wool, we weld them and we install handles on a specific place for them.

Assembling a stove with a vertically located “three in one” boiler made from a metal 530 mm pipe:

  • cut the bottom, cover, partitions of metal compartments 5 mm thick;
  • prepare the edges of the pipe;
  • welded grate pipe diameter;
  • cut out three holes where the hatch for loading the stones, the doors for the firebox and the ashpit will be located;
  • make round holes in the already prepared partitions, fasten in the pipe to divide the furnace into sections;
  • we fasten one part of the loop to the top of the pipe that will serve as a water tank, fasten the second part of it to the lid, and fix the tap in the lower part of the tank;
  • we make canopies for doors, we weld them to the prepared openings;
  • the doors are made from semicircular pieces of pipe, cut to size, fasten them to the sheds;
  • insert the pipe for the chimney.

We lay bricks around the metal furnace outside:

  • We build a brick screen (sarcophagus) of red ceramic bricks. Do not forget about the gap for air circulation between the walls.
  • To access the doors they leave the window or it is better to make the doors, they will regulate the temperature in the steam room.
  • We enclose the fire chamber with chamotte (heat-resistant) brick on a solution of chamotte cement, put the brick on the edge. The thickness of the masonry depends on the size of the brick (there is an edge of 3-6cm).

The finished stove in the form of a “boot” is heavy, so it is better to weld the main parts separately, and to do the installation already in place, as a designer. Be warned immediately that it is difficult to cut pieces of metal of such thickness with a cutter, a grinder, and especially a hacksaw without defects.It is better to contact the organization where there is a guillotine (as a rule, these are metal receiving points), this will save you time and nerves, but increase the cost of the product. The design of the furnace consists of four sections in the form of metal boxes of the correct form. The first section (firebox) is connected to the second (chimney) using a fastening mechanism, the third (heater) will be installed in the second section, and the fourth (tank under the water), made of stainless steel is placed in front of the second duct.

We begin production:

  • marking of blanks on the metal;
  • cutting blanks of the desired size (four boxes) using a guillotine;
  • we fold walls of boxes, we number them in order not to be confused;
  • assemble and lightly weld parts of the section with the bottom wall;
  • we cut out in one wall with the help of a grinder a hole for the free exit of steam from it;
  • another small hole is made above this hole, bolts are fastened on all sides from it, we install the door on them and we tighten the brass nuts (brass does not oxidize);
  • the door is prewound with asbestos thread for tightness; soot and soot are periodically removed through it;
  • at the bottom of the second box, departing from the edge of 5-6 cm, from 2 to 4 holes are made, pipes are inserted into them;
  • in the first section from the end we cut a place for the furnace door and the ash pan. From above we make a hole for the installation of the second section, on its edge to strengthen the hole we weld a corner on one side, with the other three plates prepared in advance, about four centimeters wide;
  • plates are welded to the inner and outer surfaces with a small indentation from the edge and a slot for installing the second section;
  • to reinforce the places prepared for the doors, in the first and third sections we weld one plate on each side;
  • between the firebox and ashpit we put a grill made of steel rods;
  • Weld grate bars for better combustion of firewood parallel to the blower;
  • to reinforce the third box (heater), we weld small metal kerchiefs to it;
  • we attach a cover with a pre-cut place for the chimney pipe;
  • to the place where the chimney pipe will be installed, weld the so-called “skirt”;
  • we put the stove (the third box) in the second section onto the tubes previously inserted into it;
  • having assembled and once again checking all sections of the stove, we perform the final welding of our structure. Welding seams must be very high quality, to prevent smoke fumes bath carbon monoxide.

Decorative trim

The furnace in the bath is not only a source of heat, steam, increased danger, it can also be a decoration of the room.

If you care only about the safety of the stove, then it is enough to paint it with modern paint to protect the metal from corrosion. The use of heat-resistant enamel based on silicone paints does not differ from ordinary enamels, but protects the metal at temperatures up to +800 degrees. Metal is degreased, and then paint is applied. After the first layer has dried, the next layer is applied. It is recommended to paint with paint and those metal elements that will be covered with brick and insulation.

Furnace decoration in the bath can perform a purely decorative function in the form of forged decorations and additional decorative elements of the furnace itself. You can use heat-resistant paints of various colors with the effect of antiquity. Also decoration can be used to eliminate the increased danger of a bath stove.

The stove can be lined with red brick (previously we have considered this method), but the laying on the sides can be decorative, in the form of a grid. From the side of the firebox, the stove can close the screen of forged elements or simply with a beautiful mesh fixed in the frame.

It can be closed with a beautiful casing, also covered with heat-resistant paint of the color you like.

A stove lined with heat-resistant stone will look impressive, this will give not only a noble look to your product, but also improve the quality of the stove itself.

Decorative decoration of your stove in the bath depends on your desire, taste and wallet size.


To install a metal stove in a bath, you need to start by preparing the site for it. Such a furnace weighs less than a brick one; a foundation is not needed for it, but it has a great fire hazard due to high temperatures due to the long burning of wood.

The site for the installation of the furnace is prepared at least two times larger than the area occupied by the furnace itself, and consists of several layers, located from the bottom up:

  • asbestos coating;
  • stainless steel;
  • heat-resistant brick six centimeter;

There is another option:

  • we dig out a shallow ditch, on the area we adhere to a former proportion;
  • we fall asleep sand, crushed stone, we stamp;
  • pour cement mortar, wait for hardening;
  • as heat insulation we lay out roofing material;
  • check the level of the plane, a small bias is better to make in the direction of the drain;
  • We lay out two rows of red bricks.

To prevent ignition, the stove is placed no closer than one meter from the walls and easily ignitable objects. The walls around the stove are plastered, bricked up, sheathed with sheets of iron or minorite, separate the place where firewood is stored. If the firebox is removed from the steam room, the doorway is also protected from fire by non-combustible materials.

The place of creation of the hole for the installation of the chimney should be foreseen when building the bathhouse. The creation of knees in a chimney will cause soot to build up in such parts of the pipe, which will worsen the traction in the furnace. If it is impossible to exclude such places in the chimney, consider the possibility to disassemble this area in order to clean it.

The duct for the chimney should be made from a double wall sandwich filled with basalt wool.As insulation, you can use a square water tank, which is installed in the ceiling.

Having installed the stove in place, we fill the heater with stones of basalt, river or sea pebbles, gabbro diabase, soapstone, porphyriate, dunite, white quartz, raspberry quartzite. Stones are better to choose a flat shape and lay them in the heater on the edge. Do not use stones with red streaks or patches (this is iron), it is harmful to health during oxidation.

Useful recommendations

If you start to heat the stove in the bath, and she smokes, a possible reason for this is poor traction. To check it, take a piece of paper, set it on fire and bring it to the firebox. If the flame does not reach for the stove, get ready to repair. Clean the chimney is easy - disassemble it and with a metal brush, scoop and a broom clean from debris and soot. It is advisable to clean the chimney every year in the summer, so that an unpleasant problem does not find you at the most unexpected moment - in a 30-degree frost or when friends come to steam. If the chimney pipe is burned or rusted, this area should be replaced, which has become unusable.

            Another reason for the poor performance of the stove and chimney (if it smokes) may be an insufficient diameter and height of the chimney pipe. The required pipe diameter is at least 110 mm and the height of the chimney is three meters.

            An iron stove in a bath will last longer without a major overhaul, if you follow it regularly: clean it from soot, periodically coat it with heat-resistant enamel.

            Lung you a couple!

            How to make a furnace for the bath of metal with your own hands, see the next video.

            Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.