How to make a steam room?
A spacious bath is a good addition to any area. In it you can not only wash, but also have a good rest in the company of friends. And the steam room is the main part in such a room. Many owners want to build a bath with their own hands, so they try to consider all aspects of such construction. It should be noted that this is not difficult to do, because you only need to install a stove and shelves.
Device: features
The most important premise in any bath, whether it is a Russian steam bath or a Finnish sauna, is a steam room. It is from it will depend on the quality of the procedures in the steam room. Despite the fact that it is very important, it is not so difficult to build it, because it consists of a small number of elements. Most importantly, the device room was comfortable and suitable for a good rest.
First of all, it is necessary to determine the number of shelves and racks with the calculation of how many people plan to visit the bath. They must be made of such a material that, under the influence of high temperatures, does not fill the air with resins. The best option would be aspen, which has a low price and many positive characteristics.
In the bath it is also necessary to install the stove, which is the most important element in the steam room. After all, it provides the desired temperature in the building, fully heating it. Currently, in the steam room you can install any stove. It can be made of brick, stone, metal, even electric models are used.
Do not forget about washing. It can be combined with a steam room, and the veranda can be used as a waiting room. However, this option is not very convenient. After all, then it is necessary at the time of the adoption of water procedures to suspend the process of using steam. To prevent this from happening, you can install a shower.
The finish inside the steam room must be made of wood,as it is eco-friendly as well as aesthetically beautiful.
In order to avoid problems with the construction, you need to make a project and a steam room sauna plan. It would seem that nothing is simpler, but still it takes a lot of time and effort. If a mini-bath or sauna is being designed, then certain zones should be included: a waiting room, a washing room and a steam room.
A dressing room can also serve as a rest room. A separate room should be a washing room, where both a swimming pool and a shower cabin can be located. And necessarily a separate room should be a steam room, the project of which must begin with the installation of the furnace, which is the main part of the steam room.
During construction, it is necessary to choose the dimensions of the furnace corresponding to the proportions of the steam room, that is, the volume of the entire room. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of its power with the size of the entire room. The following proportions are used for this: one kilowatt of thermal energy should be used per cubic meter in the steam room.
Important is the number of people at the same time in the steam room. According to unwritten standards, approximately 0.70 meters of space is needed per person. You also need to take into account the growth of the highest family member, adding to it twenty centimeters. When calculating the project, you should not forget that the insulation of the steam room will take a couple of centimeters of space, and if you make the room too high, then the heat will be wasted.
The optimal height of the steam room is two meters twenty centimeters.
A steam room can be built without windows, but in this case it is necessary to take care of artificial lighting. And if there is still a window, it should be deaf and have a minimum size of approximately fifty to fifty centimeters, so as not to release heat to the street.
It should take into account the quality of glass. They must be heat and sound insulated. Do not forget about the ventilation system. After all, if it does not exist, the tree will quickly become worthless, and mold will also form, which will have a bad effect on the health of any person.For additional insulation, you can use blocks, wall paneling and other wall cladding options.
How to choose and where to put the stove?
The answer to this question is very difficult. After all, to decide how to choose a stove, you need to consider all of its types that have pros and cons.
Metal oven
It has a small size, a high degree of power, as well as the ability to heat the entire room. Such a furnace heats up very quickly and cools down just as quickly. Touching it can cause burns. Therefore, choosing such a furnace, it is imperative to build a fence, in order to avoid accidents.
Brick stove
Having chosen such a heating device, you need to know that you need a foundation to install it. The dimensions of the furnace can be selected on the basis of the characteristics of the steam room and its dimensions. The installation of a brick stove is good because, unlike metal furnaces, brickwork heats up slowly and does not cool very quickly. After installing such a furnace, the air in the steam room will be light and dry, besides touching it, it is practically impossible to get burned.Therefore, it can be installed closer to the shelves so that it is warm for a long time.
Electric ovens
For lovers of modern technology fit electric ovens. They do not need to be kindled with wood. However, they have many drawbacks. Electric ovens can heat only a small room, cool down quickly, and also have a high price. In addition, the slightest insulation problem can lead to a short circuit. Therefore, installing such a furnace, you need to carefully check all wiring.
Soap stone has become popular in the modern world and is actively used for the construction of furnaces, as it is highly durable. He also has the ability to warm the room gradually and evenly. The stone itself is expensive, but it is very economical in fuel consumption. Having heated the stove for only one hour, you can enjoy the heat all day. Plus, such a material has healing properties, soaring in such a bath, you can not only enjoy, but also improve your health.
Having familiarized with types of furnaces, and also having made a choice, it is possible to start their installation. The basis for this must be smooth.If it is an electric furnace or furnace of metal, you need to make a base of concrete for them.
Place the product can be either at the door or in the corner of the steam room, saving space. In addition, this particular space will be the safest place.
If this is a brick stove, you need to lay a foundation.
Further in the opening a large sheet of metal is fixed on the ceiling. This is necessary to make an outlet for one of the most important elements - the chimney. In the metal it is necessary to pre-make a hole for the pipe. A water tank is installed on the stove. And through a specially made opening upward, a pipe is insulated, insulated with any non-combustible materials.
After installing the furnace, it is necessary to carry out a test furnace to see if everything is done correctly. And only then you can invite your family or friends to the steam room.
Materials for the construction of steam rooms can be different, for example, brick, foam block, stone. But one of the best is of course the tree. The most common types of wood used in the construction of baths and saunas - aspen, linden or birch, because they do not emit resin. However, pine is often used for exterior walls.
Usually for steam rooms use rounded bars. But the most convenient and affordable is a profiled bar, which has resistance to different deformations.
In order to build a steam room you need to stock up with the necessary materials that will be needed in the process, and also make the right calculation.
The list of required includes:
- construction timber measuring 15 by 15 centimeters;
- timber for the construction of partitions measuring 15 by 10 centimeters;
- concrete solution;
- necessary reinforcement to establish the foundation;
- second grade boards for formwork;
- sand and clay, if the furnace is brick;
- fireproof brick, for the base of the furnace;
- rubble;
- waterproofing materials;
- stones for heating;
- insulation (it can be tow, and jute, as well as foil for vapor barrier, or mineral wool);
- the lining having 12 millimeters for facing of walls;
- lining having fifty millimeters for ceilings;
- tile, if any;
- slate, and also galvanization;
- antiseptics;
- lamps or luminaires;
- switches of different formats.
Tools and accessories
It is also necessary to make a list of the necessary tools so that everything is at hand.
Starting to build a steam room, you must have the following component tools:
- shovels or a small excavator;
- saw or electric or gasoline;
- ax;
- concrete drill;
- cable length required;
- hammer or screwdriver;
- nails or screws;
- construction stapler;
- level.
Installation and insulation
Even if the steam room is made entirely of wood, it must be insulated. Thermal insulation will save money and create favorable conditions for procedures. If the process of insulation and installation will be done by hand, then you will need step by step instructions.
The process of insulation is done from the top down, so the ceiling and walls are first processed, and only then the floor.
Ceiling: proper ventilation
If the steam room is wooden, then its ceiling is made on the ceiling structure of the beams. Over them the waterproofing film having a thickness of two millimeters lays down. Its strips should go overlapping, being attached between themselves with a self-adhesive tape, and to beams - with staples - with the help of a construction stapler.
On top of the waterproofing tape sheets of moisture-resistant plywood are laidwhich are joined by beams. Next - the board thickness of forty millimeters, which must be joined very accurately. The next stage of insulation occurs inside the steam room. To do this, you need to lay the insulation between the beams in such a manner that it is tight with elements of the ceiling. This makes it impossible to get cold inside.
The next step is put a vapor barrier. Everything is done the same way as in the case of waterproofing. And only after that the surface of the ceiling is formed.
Also do not forget about the ventilation system, which is necessary. After all, a person who is steaming breathes hot steam, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.And there is no ventilation, there will be no fresh air, and there will be a lack of oxygen. In such a steam room, a person can simply start choking.
Therefore, the ventilation system occupies an important place in the construction of the steam room. It not only delivers fresh air to the room, but also dries it. For the circulation of air need holes of two types: exhaust and intake. In order for the air to enter the steam room, you need air inlets, installed closer to the floor, also located near the stove.
Exhaust pipes are made closer to the ceiling so that carbon monoxide and moistened hot air go out through them.
Wall "pie"
After this, we make the wall insulation or the so-called “pie” in the steam room, consisting of several elements. This is a wall lined with wooden bars, a heat insulator between them, a steam insulator, and also a sheath constructed of slats.
The algorithm for wall insulation is:
- First of all, parallel bars are attached to the wall.
- Later here it is necessary to lay a heat insulator, with a thickness equal to the width of the bars.
- After that, a layer of vapor barrier is applied, which in most cases is foil.
- Then fastens the crate of the rails 50 to 50 millimeters. Finishing at this stage can be done both vertically and horizontally.
- The slats are set in the same plane and fastened with self-tapping screws.
- Then the fishing line is stretched in three rows and vertical strips are attached exactly along the marked lines every meter.
- After finishing crates, put a foil insulation.
- After that, the entire wall is covered with a vapor barrier coating. The gap between the ceiling and the walls should be sealed with self-adhesive foil tape.
In order to engage in thermal insulation of the floor, you need to determine in advance whether it will be: wooden, ceramic or concrete.
For a wooden floor, the base of the steam room in the bath is made of lag, which is first installed between the foundation in the same plane. Below at their edges rails 40 by 40 millimeters are nailed. On top of them put the boards, and then they are covered with a vapor barrier film and only, after all this, the entire floor is covered with waterproofing in two layers. On it the floor of the boards is very tight.
To insulate the concrete floor, you need a completely different technology. First, the ground is leveled, for which sand, crushed stone and gravel are alternately filled up. And then all this is tightly rammed. The next step will be laying the skeleton of a metal mesh, and only then put a layer of waterproofing film.
Do not forget about the ventilation in the steam room, which requires special care. After all, ventilation helps not to gather moisture, and also does not allow fresh air to get into the steam room. For this purpose, special channels are made near the stove, above the floor level, in the wall - closer to the ceiling, and also in the ceiling itself. To regulate them, make special valves.
Installation of windows and doors
Doors and windows in the steam room require a special approach. After all, through them there can be a leak of heat. Therefore, this issue must be considered in great detail.
The door to the steam room should be made small, and the threshold high - up to thirty centimeters. At the same time, it should be easy to close and always open inwards. However, it is impossible to make locks for the reasons that a person may become ill, and in this state he will not be able to open them.
Doors can be both wooden and glass, but many prefer the first. Because they are easy to warm. But the glass doors visually expand the space in the steam room. But they do not withstand temperature changes. Therefore, they must be finished with foil or other insulation, or hidden under a clapboard that is resistant to moisture.
The windows in the steam room can not do at all. After all, window openings can not be made large, and therefore there will be practically no lighting from them. In addition, they are not needed for ventilation, since special systems already exist for it. But if they do, then only small and deaf. At the same time they need to glaze good glazing.
Finishing and arrangement
The most traditional finishing material for the sauna is wood. It does not heat up much, and also, due to its qualities, makes visiting the bath pleasant and comfortable. The lining inside the steam room is made of clapboard. The material is selected durable wood species that do not emit resin. Before starting work, the wood must be treated with a special oil impregnation to reduce its hygroscopicity.
Finishing the steam room is directly related to a high-quality ventilation system, and also provides for a drain for water. This prevents accumulation of excess moisture in the steam room.
You should also make the insulation of the ceiling, walls and floor in the steam room. And only after that you can do their facing. Walls can be finished with wall tiles that imitate stone or brick. A quality board is suitable for the floor, the material for which will be larch, which is considered to be very useful for human health.
However, many make it from ceramic tiles. It is chosen because it is well washed, not exposed to mold.
However, the tile is a very cold material, so special wooden grids are laid on top of it, which can be removed and dried after the procedures.
The arrangement of the steam room should be as simple as possible. At the heart of this small room should be a stove. One of the best materials for its construction is stone or brick, which can be used simultaneously. After all, a brick accumulates heat well, and a stone makes it possible to make the necessary steam.
Also in the steam room are shelves in two or three tiers, located opposite from the stove. Their installation takes place simultaneously with the installation of walls.
Furniture design in the steam room is very simple and beautiful. It consists only of sun beds, sometimes made in the form of wooden sofas and having comfortable backrests. Also complement the room can a couple of stools and accessories. All furniture should be rounded to avoid sharp corners. Indeed, in the steam room is very slippery, and hitting a corner, you can injure yourself.
Since the windows in the steam room are small or not at all, it is necessary to make good artificial lighting. If you install it correctly, you can create such an atmosphere in the steam room, which will have the interlocutor to spiritual conversations. Illumination should not be very bright, twilight is preferable. Warm muffled shades will suit, which only emphasize the calm atmosphere.
For this one lamp is enough. However, it is necessary to arrange it so that it does not interfere with the steam, for example, above the door. To date, the lamp can be installed so as not to disturb the surroundings of the steam room.It can be lamps made of wooden lampshade, and structures embedded in the wall, and specially insulated tapes. Also, often lamps are placed under the sun loungers, which creates a cozy atmosphere and at the same time does not interfere with enjoying the procedure.
The main thing is that the wiring and the light bulb itself should be isolated from water and steam. For this, it is necessary to place the lamp in a housing made of stainless steel.
The wires need to be insulated carefully, and the switch to the other room.
When equipping a steam room you need to take into account the peculiarities of this space. The highlight is the full-draining equipment. In any steam room there should be a quality drain through which water flows. It must be equipped in such a way that water flows towards the main pipe. It is through her water and goes beyond the steam room. Despite the fact that for many such a system seems more suitable for showers or washers, it can be safely used in steam rooms.
By planning a complete sewage systemIt is worth working on this process from the very beginning.For this you need to lay the pipe at the stage when the foundation is created. Ideally, it should be taken into a pit, located at least three meters from the bath. Often this very pit is additionally laid out with bricks or thick concrete rings. The bottom in this case is laid out with gravel. All this guarantees reliable protection against waste outflow.
Another equally important point is thermal insulation. A good steam room should certainly be properly insulated, and there are many ways to make this idea a reality. This and high-quality foil coating, which due to its subtlety does not allow to build too dense finishes, as well as mineral wool and other materials.
When choosing one type of insulation, you should definitely take into account that most of them react negatively to an increased level of humidity. If this is so, then it is necessary to further insulate the protective layer.
It is important to take into account the presence of high-grade and high-quality ventilation. This is a very important detail. If the ventilation is bad, then it is unlikely to be able to fully relax in the steam room. Instead of relaxing and resting, you may experience headaches and problems with the cardiovascular system.
Hoods, according to professionals, should be located at the top. The fact is that when the air is heated, the temperature first rises at the top. Therefore, it is in this zone that there are air vents and intake vents. They must also be supplemented with special exhaust grilles. It is these structures that are responsible for ensuring that cool air enters the room.
In some cases, the owners of the steam rooms prefer to dispense with the fact that during the procedures, the doors or vents periodically open. It is not difficult to guess that this is not enough, and without a complete ventilation system can not do. Its installation should be taken responsibly, and if possible, the structure should be positioned closer to the stove so that the cold air coming in from the street warms up immediately, because cold air is contraindicated in such conditions.
In conclusion, we can say that if a person can properly make a steam room, that is, to equip and insulate it, then he will be able to get maximum pleasure. And this will give the opportunity to enjoy not only the work done, but also from visiting the steam room.The main thing is not to allow even minor mistakes.
How to decorate the steam room in the bath, see the next video.