Bath on the wood: the pros and cons
Bath is considered a traditional Russian premises, designed for the adoption of water procedures. It is believed that the steam has a positive effect on the overall health of the body. There are many types of baths, which differ in the design and method of steam supply. The pros and cons of the sauna on the wood will be discussed in this article.
Special features
Steam on the wood is a popular place to relax and strengthen the body. Different countries have their own design features of baths and methods for adopting water procedures. The main differences between the bath and sauna are in temperature and humidity.
In the Russian steam room, the optimal mode is a temperature in the range from 45 to 60 degrees and a humidity from 50 to 70 percent.It is with such indicators that the body will have a healing and restorative effect. The temperature in the Finnish sauna can reach 130 degrees with a humidity of no more than 10 percent.
Paired procedures in the Russian wood-bath are performed in such a way that the human body undergoes uniform heating. The temperature in the room can be adjusted with water, adding it to the heater.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is believed that a visit to the steam room on the wood has a positive effect on human health, which is one of the main advantages of the Russian bath. The healing effect on the body has a steam and temperature.
Under the influence of high temperatures, sweating by the body is significantly enhanced. Together with then go out excess fluid in the body, as well as toxins and slags. Temperature changes also affect the work of the heart muscle, strengthening it, and harmful substances are removed from the blood vessels.
The adoption of water procedures in the bath speeds up metabolism, which helps to lose weight. Depending on the type of wood used for heating, there is a positive effect on various systems in the body.Pine firewood during combustion emit into the air nutrients that contribute to the healing of a sore throat. In addition, pine has a positive effect on the nervous system, and also helps to cleanse the airways.
Not only firewood with which the country bath is heated is of great importance, but also the material from which the bath besom is made. The best brooms are considered birch and oak. Oak broom helps to cope with some skin problems. This product is suitable for people with oily skin. In addition, the essential oils contained in oak branches have a positive effect on blood pressure, contributing to its reduction.
Broom made of birch also has a healing effect on problem skin. Under the influence of high temperatures, the release of useful substances into the air, which are contained in birch branches. Such substances affect the microbes, killing them.
Another advantage of a sauna with wood is that it is not so difficult to build such a structure on your own in the summer cottage or in the village. Traditional materials for the manufacture of such buildings are oak logs.In the bath, you can install not only wood stoves, the type of fuel is still gas and electrical appliances.
Firewood products have several advantages:
- Easy installation and operation. To install such a furnace does not need to connect to a gas pipeline or conduct electricity in the bath.
- The way firebox. Firewood is an environmentally friendly natural material, so this fuel will have a positive effect on the body. Gas appliances can cause carbon monoxide emissions, and electric products can get a strong electric shock.
- Wood stove can be made independently. It is also possible to use structures made of bricks.
The disadvantage of baths on the wood is that the adoption of water procedures in conditions of high temperature and humidity is not recommended for everyone. People with heart disease, oncology and inflammatory processes in the body, which are accompanied by increased body temperature, should not be visited in a steam room.
Types of designs
Regardless of the type of construction, there are certain requirements for the size and arrangement of rooms in the Russian bath.The capacity of the building will depend on its area. The steam room must be spacious with a ceiling height of at least 2.4 m. The area of the steam room in a private bath often ranges from 6 to 12 square meters.
Before you start building a bath, you first need to develop a project of the room and decide on its location. The minimum distance between the building and the private house should be 8 meters. Depending on what functions the bath should perform, a suitable design is being designed. The room can only be a place for taking water procedures or also a place to relax.
Large construction is considered a two-story building. with a spacious lounge, steam room of more than 10 square meters, with rooms for a pool, a pool table and shower cabins. The traditional Russian bath is the construction of timber or logs. Sometimes walls are made of brick or foam blocks.
Since firewood is used as a fuel in the Russian bath, you can often find sauna buildings with a firewood house. It can be under the same roof with a bath. Firewood is stored in such a building.Inside the bath, firewood for the firebox can be placed in small woodpiles.
The process of conducting hygienic procedures in a bath in Russia involves several stages. First of all, it is steaming and rinsing with warm water in order to wash off the dirt from the body. Often an additional step is dipping into snow or cold water.
If the site allows, in addition to a bath, to place some more buildings, next you can build a font, which is a large-capacity tank in the form of a barrel or other shape. It can be purchased at the store or make yourself.
Oven device
You can make your own woodburning stove yourself or buy a finished model. The stove must be of such a design and location that all rooms in the bath are heated.
Among the ready-made options you can purchase the following designs:
- Steel. Such a device is the cheapest option. The steel stove heats up quite quickly, but also cools rapidly, so for kindling you will need a large amount of firewood.
- Brick. Making a construction of brick alone is quite difficult.For kindling this design requires a lot of wood. However, having melted the stove well, the wood can be no longer enclosed - the device can retain heat for 14 hours.
- Cast iron boilers. Not the most suitable option for a Russian bath. With a sharp fluctuation in temperature, the device will quickly fail.
A separate zone is allocated and equipped for the installation of the device. The chimney is removed in such a way that the external walls of the pipe are at least 40 centimeters from the truss system.
To better understand the structure of the wood-burning stove, it is necessary to become familiar with the technology of the device.
An iron furnace can be made as follows:
- The pipe, whose diameter is 50 centimeters, is cut into pieces of 90 and 60 centimeters. A large length of pipe is used to make a stove, and a heating tank for water is made from a small piece.
- In a long section of pipe a hole is cut through 20 by 5 centimeters. Above the cutout, a round steel plate must be welded. The plate thickness should be at least 1.2 cm.
- For the manufacture of the lattice under the fuel most often used sheet iron.The grate is installed in the blowing chamber.
- To install the combustion chamber in the pipe you need to cut a niche. The furnace door is made of a metal plate. The size of the door will be 25 to 30 centimeters.
- Capacity for pebbles made from a piece of pipe length of 35 centimeters. Approximately half of the volume is filled with pebbles and covered on top with a circle of steel.
- A 5-cm-wide clutch is made of steel tire. Its thickness should be at least 5 millimeters. The product must be welded to the body and attach the water tank.
- For the manufacture of the tank will need a steel circle with a thickness of about one centimeter. A hole is made in the circle with a diameter of 15 centimeters under the chimney pipe. The chimney must be welded to the base of the circle, which is the bottom of the water tank.
- At a distance of 35 centimeters from the water tank, a platform of steel sheet with a width of 30 centimeters is attached.
- At the bottom of the tank will be a hole for the water supply. Opposite it is necessary to weld a tap with a water valve.
- The final step is to install the door in the furnace chamber.
How to choose firewood?
Each tree species has its own unique properties. From the choice of material for heating the bath will depend on the effectiveness and benefits of the adoption of water procedures.
The general rules for the choice of firewood from absolutely any tree species include the following:
- rotten wood will burn rather quickly and will not warm the room;
- if there are knots on the material, they will smolder longer than the base itself burns;
- moldy wood will spoil the air in the steam room and can harm the human body;
- firewood must be dry, because wet wood is long-burning and does not give heat;
- coniferous trees emit tar when burned, which creates a fire hazard situation.
One of the most common types of fuel are birch firewood. Birch easily inflames, giving off quite a strong heat. After harvesting birch wood, they can be used for fire for two years, after which the wood will lose its beneficial properties and flavor.
Aspen logs burn worse and do not give a strong heat. The advantage of this fuel is that aspen has antiseptic properties.With the help of such firewood, you can periodically disinfect the room.
Alder firewood has a pleasant aroma. The substances released during the combustion into the air strengthen the immune system and relieve emotional tension. Such fuel burns well, giving excellent heat. Linden logs inflame rather long, but give a good heat. Steam from the combustion of linden has a positive effect on the nervous system, soothing and strengthening it. It also helps cleanse the respiratory system and makes breathing easier if you have a sore throat. The disadvantage of this fuel is considered a short shelf life. For two years, firewood comes into complete disrepair.
One of the best options for wood fuel is oak firewood. Such furnace material is not cheap, but it burns for a rather long time and gives excellent heat. You can periodically burn a small amount of oak wood in the fireplace of the bath with the aim of aromatherapy to strengthen the immune system.
For a pleasant and comfortable pastime in the bath you need to take care of the interior decoration of the room. If you built a bath independently on your site, it is worth forgetting about the arrangement of the interior for about a year after the end of construction, as the building may shrink.If desired, the interior of the room can be decorated in any style, but it is customary to adhere to certain national traditions in order to convey the atmosphere of a real Russian bathhouse.
Waiting room
The size of the dressing room will depend on the size of the bath. If the building is designed for a small number of people, then the waiting room may be small in size and serve as a kind of locker room. In such a room it is necessary to place lockers for clothes, wall hooks and hangers for clothes, wooden benches or stools.
In the dressing room often set small polennitsy for storing firewood. For sale are very beautiful forged designs that fit perfectly into the interior of the Russian bath. To create a unique atmosphere do not forget about the elements of decor. You can use some of the elements inherent in the style of rustic.
This room is equipped for the adoption of water procedures. The room can be installed shower or stand tubs with water and wooden buckets. Sometimes, near the bath, equip a font in the open air for dipping into a large container with water. Usually the scrubber is trimmed with wood.The use of tiled or porcelain tiles is permissible.
Steam bath
All materials used for decoration and as a steam room decoration should be environmentally friendly in order not to harm human health. Those materials that are used for the arrangement of home interior, in the bath are used much less frequently. Traditionally, the steam room is finished with natural wood.
For finishing the steam room is not recommended to use thin cladding boards. It is best to beat the walls with massive boards of wood. In the steam room the necessary attributes are shelves, stove, stove, water tank. The shelves are made of thick boards. Racks should be wide (from 50 centimeters) so that it is comfortable to lie on them.
Lighting in the steam room should be weak, which will create a relaxed atmosphere and a mood for rest. As a lighting system, it is better to use LED devices that operate at low amperage, which, above all, indicates the safety of such light sources.
The rest room can be located next to the waiting room in the form of an extension of the type of terrace or gazebo in the open air.If a large two-storey bath is built on the plot, then one or more rooms on the second floor with a pool table or comfortable furniture and a large TV are usually allocated for the rest room.
Arbors make out as a place for rest and eating. Next to equip the grill for frying kebabs. In the gazebo set a large table, long benches and sometimes hang a hammock.
Useful tips
To visit the bath on the wood to bring only benefit and pleasure, you need to follow some rules for the adoption of water procedures, as well as to keep the room clean. If you decide to build a bathhouse yourself, then you need to approach with responsibility the choice of building and finishing materials.
Fiberboard and chipboard cannot be used. Resins used in the manufacture of these materials, at high temperatures emit formaldehyde into the air. Such a substance is toxic and can poison a person. Many paints and varnishes contain organic solvents, which is also unsafe for health. When buying such materials for interior baths, it is necessary to carefully study the composition.Polystyrene and plastics emit harmful substances at elevated levels of humidity and high temperatures.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the room. In the case of the formation of mold, fungus or the beginning of the process of decay, the affected areas should be immediately cleaned and treated with antiseptic agents. Do not forget about the regular ventilation of the bath.
When conducting hygienic procedures, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for maintaining the temperature and the washing process itself. For a comfortable stay in the steam room temperature should not exceed 65 degrees. At temperatures from 70 to 80 degrees a large load is created on many systems in the human body. Temperatures above 90 degrees are hazardous to health.
The process of making water procedures also has some subtleties. It is necessary to gradually increase the temperature in the room and the humidity of the air so that the body can get used to such a load.
The very first time they go into the steam room without brooms for about five minutes.Beforehand, you can take a warm shower to open the pores on the skin and prepare for the bath procedures.It is not necessary to wet the head with water, otherwise you can get a heat stroke. It is necessary to cover it with a dry bath cap to avoid overheating of the brain.
After the first five minutes of entering the steam room, you need to rest in a waiting room or a rest room for 15 minutes. The second time you can stay in the steam room for 30 minutes. Staying for longer periods of time can put a heavy strain on the cardiovascular system and damage health.
If in the steam room there is a feeling of discomfort, the room must be left and rest in the dressing room. Allowed to drink large amounts of water to maintain water-salt balance in the body. After each entry into the steam room, you must take a break of at least ten minutes.
The following things are strictly forbidden when visiting the bath:
- Drinking alcohol. Alcohol increases the load on the heart and the whole body. In a state of intoxication, the human body can withstand steam much worse.
- It is not necessary to consume large quantities of food in front of the bath. When overeating, the body also has a large load.
- Soaring with brooms standing or sitting is not worth it - it is better to take a lying position. Thus, the steam will be evenly distributed throughout the body.
Review of the bath on the wood, see the following video.