We build a bath of timber

A private bath, built on a summer cottage or in a private household, for many people today is an indispensable attribute of comfort and a healthy lifestyle. In terms of quality, aesthetics and durability, a bath made of wooden lumber does not differ much from a similar structure made of cylindrical logs, but the process of its construction proceeds much faster, much easier and does not require special skills.

Special features

Actually, the baths in the form of a log house are among the age-old Russian buildings, and the tradition of their construction dates back to the times when in Russia all buildings were built for centuries, solidly and without a single nail. It is quite natural that the work on their construction has its pros and cons.So, the construction of the timber itself is easy and quick, but then requires its long drying, which takes about a year.

The implementation of the plan allows you to do without the help of third-party labor, but the felling may shrink with small deformations, however, easily removable.

The beam is equipped with a thorn-groove system. This thoroughly connects all parts of the structure, but since this is a tree, it is necessary to take into account the degree of fire hazard. The material itself is unstable to the negative effects of microorganisms, wood pests, insects and mold fungi, however, thanks to the compactor, the building as a whole is saved from rain.

For the construction of the log house does not require a solid foundation, and the whole building does not need additional finishing. In addition, the timber has an affordable price.

Calculation and planning

The manufacture of such a bath should begin with its design, which is based on a drawing based on the structural features of the structure. Here we have in mind the simplest one-story building or house, equipped with a loft or a veranda or both.It is also useful to make an instruction taking into account the necessary material and stages of construction.

The size of the building is selected based on the need to create comfort for all visitors and the fact that all modern baths can be attributed to two types.

Buildings of the first type belong to dry baths with a temperature of about 60 - 110 degrees Celsius and humidity of about 5 - 25%, that is, saunas.

The latter, referred to as Russian baths, are damp steam rooms with a temperature regime of 50–70 degrees Celsius and a higher level of humidity, which is 80–100%. This option is the construction of wood, equipped with a warm dressing room, washing room and steam room with a stove and shelves.

The Finnish sauna is a steam room with stones from which the air in the room is heated and dripped with herbal infusions or essential oils.

With regard to the calculation of the required number of lumber, then you should consider the thickness of each structural element depending on the planned area of ​​construction and the amount of material that will have to be rejected. The quantity of timber at the same time per cubic meter of volume is taken according to the perimeter of the room, which is multiplied by the thickness and height of one beam.This also includes the amount of material for interior decorating.

This design includes the number of rooms in the building and their size, taking into account the fact that about 4 m2 of the steam room should be allocated to one person and with the computation of the space for the stove. The foundation of the latter is constructed simultaneously with the foundation of the entire structure. Its quality is the main criterion for the durability of any bath. For this, the foundation construction scheme is developed at the design stage.

Mandatory elements of the Russian bath are the steam room, dressing room and vestibule.


It is quite natural that it is much easier and quicker to get a finished project of a sauna from a bar, especially since modern manufacturers offer a large number of mobile sets of bath-houses and other materials for their manufacture, which can be ordered, delivered to the site and mounted on it in the vast majority of large Russian cities.

First, you should decide on the appearance of the future bath and what elements of construction for it are required. For example, one of the most common types of two-storeyed bath is a building with a veranda and a mansard under the roof.The second floor is a summer bedroom, where you can spend the night after a bathing holiday or give friends the opportunity to stay there for the night, and the veranda at such a bath will be a wonderful place for evening tea.

If, however, in the yard to equip a barbecue, then an excellent option would be the construction of a bath with a terrace, which should be wide enough and as open as possible. There you can install the very brazier. A little later, you can build an artificial pond in front of such a bath, which will be a significant advantage compared to ordinary steam rooms with a pool.

A simple one-story bath with a fairly wide veranda is one of the most common types. such buildings. It is better, of course, to do the glazing of the veranda itself, which will make it possible to turn it into a summer bedroom, to equip a kitchen there or to install a billiard table there.

For adherents of a traditional Russian steam room, an excellent solution would be to equip it with a traditional wide porch, where you can successfully place a table with a samovar and enjoy the views and the fragrance of the surrounding nature.

Another interesting type of bath architecture is a house with a steam room, which has a veranda, but under a very wide roof. The advantage of such a structure of profiled timber is the presence of a covered veranda and an attic with a huge living space.

In the traditional view, a sauna looks like a compact building with small windows., for which, it seems, does not require a large size. After all, the windows in such a room are viewed from a utilitarian point of view, giving them the role of airing and natural light while minimizing heat loss. However, bath treatments can be organically combined with admiring the sunset or the surrounding landscape. For this are the new creative options for bath houses with panoramic windows.

They not only facilitate the airing and drying of such a room, but also increase its safety, since they are an additional escape route.

These are the main types of sauna buildings from a bar. After reviewing them and knowing that, due to the nature of the wood, they are all constructed for shrinkage, it is necessary to proceed to the description of the technology of their construction.

Necessary tools and accessories

To begin construction of a bath from a bar follows with the creation of the necessary set of tools and component materials for this. Since the construction timber is made of wood, to work with it you will need standard carpentry tools. Therefore, it will be necessary to prepare axes, carpentry planers, various hammers, handsaws, electric and chainsaws, tongs and pliers, nail pullers, chisels, chisels and jigsaws. Also needed will be rulers and roulettes of different lengths, plumb lines, corners and levels.

To protect the wood from beetles and microorganisms, it will need to be treated with an antiseptic composition, which will require a brush and a special tray.

Any construction begins with the construction of the foundation. Therefore, there will be a lot of physical work, you will need to dig, transport and drag. At the same time, if the equipment will be used, without bayonets and shovels, wheelbarrows, manual or electric concrete mixers still can not do.

In the absence of an electric concrete mixer, it can be replaced with a trough, cut along a metal barrel or a welded steel sheet and a corner box.

Since the timber will have to be raised and advanced to a height, you will need a winch or another lifting mechanism.

Laying insulation will require the use of a construction stapler with staples, a knife, an electric drill, a screwdriver, and a grinder with a set of disks, electric or chainsaw.

How to build with your own hands?

Regardless of whether we are building a bath on our own or using the services of specialists, the construction of the bath should be started by laying the foundation. Moreover, if we are talking about a one-story structure, then a columnar foundation will suffice for its construction. If the bath will have 2 floors, then a stronger foundation will be required for it.

Pillar foundation
Strip foundation

The columnar variant of the foundation is built by the manufacture of brick pillars. They are installed at the corners of the structure, along the inner walls and along the entire length of the perimeter of the future bath. These are columns with a height of 0.5 m installed with an interval of 1.5 m from each other into pits 40 cm deep each. A concrete pad is poured into each such pit before laying bricks.

For greater strength, reinforced pillars.

If we are talking about a strip foundation, then for its manufacture a ditch comes off, at the bottom of which rubble or sand or gravel is poured with a layer 15 cm thick and a formwork made of planks is installed. Inside the latter, a reinforcement cage is made and is poured with concrete.

Regardless of which of the two types of foundations we make, it is necessary to waterproof it by laying two layers of the relevant material, the role of which is ruberoid. The horizontal surface of the foundation is poured with molten bitumen, which is covered with roofing felt. This procedure is done twice.

Melted bitumen

The protruding part of the foundation over the blind area must be at least 15 cm high.and its width should exceed 10 cm the width of the beam. On it throughout the length of the foundation are laid thin slats, which are pre-treated with an antiseptic. The height of such rails should not exceed 15 mm, and they are stacked with an interval of 25-30 cm from each other. This gap is filled with insulation, and they serve to protect the timber from moisture and decay in order to extend the life of the bath.

An example of an antiseptic

The first row consists of bars with a section of 20x20 cm.In all subsequent rows are laid profiled bars section 15x15 cm, subject to the same length of all the bars. This is explained by the fact that the timber of the first row bears the burden of the entire structure of the walls and roof of the structure. Such bars must be perfectly flat with a minimum horizontal deviation, which is determined by the building level.

Too dense laying of the frame is not required in this case., as further shrinkage of the whole structure will occur. The lower timber, laid directly on the foundation, is not necessary to be fixed, since all the overlying rows of the timber construction will be pressed against it, giving it the necessary strength. The first row is then treated with antiseptic or machine mineral oil. Then the insulating layer consisting of moss or tow is placed on the surface of the first crown.

Antiseptic treatment
Thermal layer of moss
Insulating layer of tow

The same procedure is done with all subsequent rows of bars.

Wooden pins or steel pins are used to fasten stacked crowns. They are driven into pre-drilled holes, the diameter of which must be equal to the diameter of the fasteners.It is necessary to drill such holes through 1-1.5 m so that the drill will drill through the upper timber and capture half the height of the underlying one. Next, the lower timber must be removed and the pins should be driven into the holes with a length corresponding to the height of the two bars, then the insulation layer is laid. After that, the upper timber is installed in its place.

Wooden dowel

By this method all crowns are installed. Of these, the two upper ones do not need to be touched, because at the last stage of the construction of the bath it will be necessary to install ceiling beams and these crowns will need to be temporarily removed for this.


Wood is the optimal material for interior decoration of all rooms in the bath. For this purpose, you should use clapboard without defects and the highest quality and not overdried. She needs to be given the opportunity to adapt to the microclimate of the bath so that at the end of the finishing work she will not change the structure and swell. Any bath requires high quality heat and waterproofing. To maximize its service life, it should be insulated and heated against the heating of heated wall surfaces.

The main room of the bathhouse is a steam room. The highest temperature is maintained in this room, so for the decoration of its walls, lining of deciduous wood from birch, linden or aspen is used. This material is used because it does not emit resin with strong heating. Deciduous wood dries quickly and does not overheat, so that mold does not accumulate on the surface of the walls.

Clapboard linden

Not less interesting, durable and aesthetic material for such decoration is ash, long used by Russian masters in the construction of baths. Ash is very durable and invulnerable to decay processes.

Clapboard ash

This should also include alder lining of light, slightly pink hue. This material is also appreciated in Europe for the absence of extraneous odors when heating and high strength characteristics.

There he willingly used for interior decoration of saunas.

Clapboard alder

Coniferous wood is used for washing rooms, rest rooms and waiting rooms. With moderate heat, it emits a pleasant woody smell.From it also prefer to make bath furniture.

Natural evaporation of natural character from coniferous lining has a positive effect on the state of the nervous and immune systems of humans and upper respiratory tract. In addition, the spruce board of a beautiful yellowish color has pronounced water-repellent properties.

Spruce board

As for the dressing rooms, to give them the necessary comfort, beauty and hygiene, pine clapboard is the preferred material. This very economical material can be found in several color variations with hues ranging from slightly yellow to red. It is durable, easy to assemble, and the resins it produces hinder rotting processes. Pine clapboard for finishing the walls of the dressing room is easily repainted or subjected to other methods of decorative processing, although the main preference is given to the natural color of pine.

Clapboard pine

Other materials that allow to insulate and warm the walls of the bath from the inside are gypsum-fiber and gypsum plasterboard sheets, river pebbles, tiled ceramics and even plastic plates.HL sheets must be green in color, which is painted with moisture resistant plasterboard.

Moisture resistant plasterboard
Plastic plates

Exterior finish

Siding is one of the most well-known exterior finishing materials, but it is more suitable for brick buildings, because it is very poorly breathable. If this circumstance is not of fundamental importance for a brick bath, then the absence of the ability to “breathe” under the siding is very important for wooden bath walls from a bar.


Lining, which was discussed above, allows you to equally successfully produce bath trim both inside and outside. If we are talking about external insulation of walls, then you will need a frame from the sheathing on which steam and heat insulating material will be laid. On top of the latter, a second crate is stuffed, which is the basis for the installation of a finishing material, the humidity of which should be no more than 15%.


Facing a block house is an ideal opportunity not only to aesthetically clean the outside of the bath, but also to insulate it without the use of thermal insulation material. The block house is fastened like a wall paneling on a wall or on a batten or directly on the wall. Thermal insulation in this case is not needed.

Block house

Another progressive finishing material for a bar-shaped bath is an imitation of a bar.

It differs from lining in bigger thickness and cost, keeping all its qualities. This natural finishing material is used for interior and exterior wall finishes.

Imitation timber

The decoration of the walls of the wooden bath facade tiles occurs by attaching the latter to the crate self-tapping screws. This tile is different neat aesthetic appearance and considerable durability, protecting the wood from destruction.

In general, the external decoration of the bath is not so mandatory. If enough quality timber has gone into its construction, then it will be enough to paint the walls or cover them with varnish. Before this, the wood is impregnated with an antiseptic and cracks in the bars are fixed if present. After drying of the surface treated in this way, a layer of primer is applied to it and dyed, which can be performed twice if necessary.


The main materials from which wooden baths are constructed are profiled and glued and rounded logs.Regarding the latter, it should be said that in popularity this material for the construction of suburban buildings is not inferior to a bar.

Round log

The main feature is the processing of each log on a special machine for cylindering, as a result of which each log acquires the same diameter for the whole batch along its entire length. At the end of such grinding in the logs along the trunk choose mounting grooves and make locking connections for corners. The finished rounded log is treated with special compounds to impart the necessary resistance to adverse external influences.

The presence of the same profile along the entire length extremely speeds up and facilitates the process of assembling a bath or a house from such a log. Such timber can be solid, glued and shaped.


The solid timber is the result of cutting the four sides of the piping at the woodworking enterprises and giving the product a square or rectangular cross section. The main advantage of such a timber is its low cost.

Glued laminated timber is made by gluing wood boards, called lamellas, under a press.

If a solid bar has natural natural moisture, the glued bar is subjected to industrial drying, as a result of which its moisture content is reduced to approximately 15%. Thanks to this treatment, double or triple glued timber at the end of the construction of a bath or house does not shrink and does not crack during operation. For the production of such products used only high-quality wood without rot and wormholes.

Profiled timber also has natural moisture., but unlike a log, it does not “lead” in the wall of the building, that is, it lies in the way it was installed. The working surfaces of each individual timber is given a thorn-groove or comb profile. For its manufacture roundwood is dissolved on the billet in the form of a bar.

The system "groove-ridge" allows you to tightly fix the individual bars between each other and do without a seal. A bath made of such a bar does not have to be finished and puttied. To make it attractive and decent look, just paint the structure. Dry planed timber must necessarily be impregnated with antiseptic and fire-resistant compounds to extend its life.

In addition to the fact that a wall made of profiled timber does not need additional finishing, this material itself is much less susceptible to deformation during the operation of the house. Structures made of profiled timber give much less shrinkage and do not crack in comparison with log buildings. The length of the profiled beam can reach 12 meters, which significantly expands the possibilities for the design and construction of objects from it.


Calculate the size of a wooden bath should be based on how many people will take her bath procedures. Some people prefer to do it alone or go to the bath at a time when their money does not allow building a large enough building for a large company. In this case, the total size of such a bath can be about 4x3 or 4x6 meters. Such a small bath can be made as an extension to the house.

In such a situation, there is no need for a waiting room, and the area of ​​each room is reduced to the most necessary minimum.

If we are talking about a separate bathhouse for a small family,then its frame should be about 5x5 or 6x6 meters. It is quite natural that for such a separately built bath there is a need for a waiting room. It will serve to protect the interior from frost and wind and a place for drying and storage of brooms. In it it will be possible to store part of firewood.

To give the building maximum convenience, it is highly desirable to have all the necessary premises in it, that is, a steam room, a waiting room and a vestibule. The height of the ceiling for all rooms of such a bath should be designed depending on the height of the highest family member.

As for large-sized structures, designed to visit quite large groups of people, their size can reach up to 100x100 meters, if funds allow. In such cases, the process of washing itself fades into the background, so the area of ​​the steam room and room should be made larger. The size of the steam room in such a bath, however, should not be too large, since such a bath has to be heated for a long time and it is difficult to maintain a sufficiently high temperature for a long time.

Manufacturers and reviews

The success of any company directly depends on the demand and popularity of its products.Many forums that discuss the construction of baths from timber and the purchase of ready-made structures of this type are replete with positive feedback from owners on products of such Russian manufacturers as IC "Dobrynya", "Lesstroy", "Domokomplekt". Workmanship turnkey, durability and high level of operational parameters are the dominant criteria for the selection of baths from these manufacturers.

Beautiful examples and options

All people have a wide range of tastes and preferences, so the concept of "beautiful bath" each puts its own meaning. However, there are several factors that directly affect the aesthetics of this structure. The basis here is a configuration that allows you to choose between such options as the angular type of bathhouse or paired with a gazebo, a rectangular configuration, polygons, baths with a bay window, a mansard, and the like.

Corner bath
With a gazebo
With bay window
With attic

Regarding the interior, it should be said that it directly depends on the choice of the owner, who should take into account that the configuration of the bath should be in harmony with the house itself.

The layout of the future building should be done in such a way that not only the traditional steam room with the waiting room and the relaxation room blend in harmoniously with it, but also the opportunity to build a bath with a bedroom in which you can enjoy a nap after relaxing bath procedures.

A bath of profiled or glued timber is the result of the work of many professionals.After all, not only architects, but also engineers, technologists, and designers have been invested in its project, and when building with their own hands, the owners of a private house or suburban area themselves. In any case, for its construction requires the most high-quality modern materials and technologies, and each case provides its own decision.

An overview of the technology of building a bath from a profiled beam can be found in the next video

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
