Electric furnaces for a bath: features of choice

Modern technologies make it possible to make the process of heating baths easy and simple. Electric heating eliminates the need to use flammable liquid combustible or explosive gas, the emergence of smoke and soot, allows not to accumulate reserves of coal and firewood. It is important to choose the design carefully to avoid problems. Consider the subtleties of the device and features of the choice of an electric furnace for a bath, we will study its advantages and disadvantages.
Features: pros and cons
The electric furnace for the bath does not require complex maintenance, as a wood option. The electric current is many times more expensive than firewood, to mount the device without a professional electrician will not work.If you invite a specialist, he can indicate that the wiring will not cope with the task, or the power supply in a particular place is not powerful enough and reliable. In addition, the difficulty lies in the mandatory earthing of the structure, some of the necessary work is supposed to be done during the construction process.
Those who did not immediately decide on the type of furnace or decided to use electric heating after a while would have to do an expensive and time-consuming overhaul. The waterproofing layer is covered with a special grid, the perimeter is fringed with a strip of steel, the entire structure is electrically connected to the zero phase of the shield. But this does not mean that the classic wood-burning stoves are easier and easier to assemble. Under them necessarily prepare the foundation (ideally a separate foundation). When choosing a portable firebox, you will need to create a fire-resistant wall, and the construction of a good chimney harbors many subtleties.
Types and characteristics
The stove, working on electricity, in its simplest form, works on electric heaters hidden in a casing with a bowl. The gaps between the heaters are filled with special bath stones.Electric aggregates heat the stones themselves, and they receive heat from them. This format is called "elektrokamenka." The heater is placed on the floor or mounted on the wall (with legs and brackets). Part of the electric models allows both types of installation.
Autonomous remote control must be selected carefully: it does not always have enough length for a particular steam room. The remote is attached to one model, the others buy it independently. When evaluating electric furnaces, you should be interested in the presence of a steam generator. It depends on the quality of heating and comfort when washing.
An important parameter is the mass of stones used. When it is 100 kg or more, the furnace reaches the required condition 90 to 120 minutes after launch. The stiffness of the air heating decreases, the temperature is evenly distributed throughout the room. Since the number of stones is large, you can pour water: the stone part will not have time to cool down, the heating elements will not come in contact with the liquid (it will evaporate earlier). Models that can be watered work at a mains voltage of 380 volts and consume a lot of current (this is predictable, because large stones need to be heated).
The described type of furnaces costs about 60 thousand rubles even when working from heating elements (not tape heating elements). Stoves containing relatively few stones (up to 40 kg) allow the room to be warmed up in a small area for 30 minutes. It will be possible to pour water only occasionally and in small portions. Before this, you should check whether the stones are heated. Small stoves are preferable for saunas, since this mode allows them to work much longer than in a traditional Russian bath.
Hence the conclusion: using a small-format furnace operating on 220 V mains, it is easy to prepare an electric sauna in the apartment. The room warms up quickly, but there is no need to create high humidity. The cost of construction is from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. There is no need for additional amplification of electrical wiring, if it is in fair condition.
Thermoses - furnaces with a closed enclosure. The upper part of the product is equipped with a lid. The internal volume contains stones: they, being surrounded by thermal insulation, heat up. A furnace of this kind can operate in constant readiness mode, spending on the maintenance of stones in a heated form 1 kW in 4 hours.Such a boiler is optimal for those who prefer to visit the bath at the end of the working day: they returned, started the system, did urgent business, and after a few hours quietly went to wash. It is thermos that gives thoroughly heated small steam, familiar in the Russian tradition.
This circumstance is valuable, because thermoses cost about 70 - 90 thousand rubles. Models with a steam generator inside are filled with water (and hot is better, because it allows you to quickly reach the desired mode). In a wooden bath, the optimal power of an electric furnace is from 1.3 to 1.5 kW per cubic meter. m. steam room. If it is equipped in a panel house with good insulation, you can reduce these figures to 800 - 1000 W per m3.
Regardless of the thermal insulation of buildings, it is advisable to prepare a wooden fence. This is important in the case of home-made electric ovens, which may have many drawbacks. Devices more powerful than 7 kW work well only when powered from three-phase sources - and suitable power lines are not everywhere. At the moment of switching on or stopping the furnace, the network may be subjected to voltage spurt, which is not always convenient for other consumers.Even equipment in the same house can suffer. Stabilizers help avoid this problem.
If the furnace reaches the maximum or close to it mode, then depending on the boiler capacity, the quality of thermal insulation and the volume of the room, the necessary heating is reached in 30–120 minutes. After reaching the desired value, the stove should go into the mode of maintaining heating, which can occur in manual and automatic mode. Electric heaters are equipped with thermostats, the advanced versions of which are able to stabilize even the humidity in the room.
An important parameter of the baths is to maintain a balance between energy conservation and ventilation. Admission of fresh air increases current consumption. If the influx of fresh air masses is small, there is a risk of fainting or suffocation in washable ones. Check whether the thermal protection of the furnaces is good: in most cases they are covered with several steel sheets. Facing with ceramic tiles and natural stones also copes well with protection against burns. When buying an electric furnace, you need to ask what diameter of heat-resistant wires will be required for specific equipment.
Furnaces for supercharged baths are significantly less powerful than electric counterparts and less practical. The fireplace can be combined with a bath stove in one device. Such solutions are good because they allow you to sit and relax in the heat after the end of the main procedure. The stone door of the fireplace part is mainly made of metal ceramics. Firebird is an electric stove that fully satisfies all basic requirements for bath heating.
The developers have summarized all the achievements of the Russian and foreign industries. This allowed to increase the uptime by 40% compared with steel counterparts. The device itself is made of high-quality cast iron and contains a number of innovations. Heat transfer is good, keeping heat in the steam room is easy to implement. On the market are economical, standard, classic and elite modifications. In the last two versions, facing with a coil and hypochlorite is possible.
How to choose?
Initially, electric stoves were adapted to the sauna (Finnish sauna). They are ideal for drying out air and its strong heat.In the Russian bath, the air should be cooler and wetter, steam is suitable not just for everyone, but only light, given away by heated stones. Throwing water into an electric oven is simply dangerous: the heating elements may break. The output is the purchase of a steam generator, which is built-in and autonomous in execution.
Different steam formers give different effect., only some models allow to produce fine steam. Even the best Finnish components for this task are not well suited. Where to rather use Russian products, they are affordable. The rule, familiar to many from wood-burning stoves (“the correct steam only in closed heaters”) only works for a wood-burning stove.
The more powerful the device, the faster it warms up the bath. Powerful electric ovens are rational only in large steam rooms. In the Russian bath is recommended to pick up a furnace of the "thermos" type, which cost at least 100 thousand rubles. Variants with heating elements are considered the cheapest, but the heat-electric heating element is not strong enough (in the open version). The tape heating unit is stronger, it consumes less current, the heating part is hidden inside the ceramic tape.
An important point - the control system. The embedded version involves the placement of buttons, levers and handles on the body, remote - on a separate console. A typical set of options is temperature adjustment, remote start for a certain time and shutdown after a certain period of time. Without these functions, even if there is a steam generator, the model can not be considered. Electric furnaces with tanks for water, except for tanks for supplying the steam generator, do not exist.
Electric furnaces of different manufacturers should be divided into two main groups: made in Russia and manufactured abroad. Among Russian companies, one should pay attention to the products of “Polytech” under the brand “Christina”. The undoubted advantages of such a product are affordability and the use of tape-type heaters in the device circuit.
In the budget category fall:
- "Ermak";
- "Electric";
- "Vesta".
Among foreign suppliers in the Russian market, the leading places are occupied by Finnish companies. Good consider electric furnaces from Germany. German Product Reviews EOS companies show that she releases not too graceful,but stable electric heaters. Mechanical strength and reliability for the developers of this concern are in the first place. In the line of the German company has a cylindrical stove. Installation of many options is possible on the floor, on the wall or under the bench. Some designs operate on 400 V.
Germanic klafs company produces high-quality exclusive models. They are made and decorated with extremely expensive materials, actively using the latest technological advances.
If you want to save, you should buy Swedish Tylo ovenswhich are able to work in the mode of a sauna and a traditional Russian stove.
The Finnish product is represented by three major brands - Narvi, Harvia and Saunatec. All of them make relatively affordable options suitable for a bath of small size. In most cases, this model wall type. Harvia developed the Symphony electric oven, which is ready to go at any time.
Installation Recommendations
In the absence of knowledge about the design of furnaces for saunas and baths, the methods of their connection and the slightest uncertainty in their preparation, it is better to contact a specialist.Attempts by non-professionals to self-install an electric furnace can be deadly, even provoking a fire. According to the technology, it is permissible to connect only to fixed mains. If the power exceeds 4500 W, it will be necessary to create a three-phase network, and single-phase will be suitable for less powerful heaters.
The installation of remote control devices cannot deviate even in the slightest degree from the requirements of the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer. Prepare in advance the connection to the furnaces of copper supply cables of strictly specified cross section. The gaps between the details of the heaters and the surfaces of the baths, saunas should be maintained at least the recommended values. Under a categorical ban, the installation of stoves on flammable material falls, it is more correct to lay out the base with ceramic tiles.
From the protective fence of the electric furnace to the shelves, easily lit materials, it is necessary to withstand a gap of at least 70 mm. The stones in the sauna are thoroughly washed with running water, taken in the required quantity and installed according to the instructions. It is fundamentally unacceptable to start the furnace in the work, without putting inside the required number of prepared stones.In the room where they install an electric heater, you need to use lamps in the splash-proof design. This is due to security requirements.
Prerequisite is the adjustment of ventilation. The air inlet should be arranged approximately at a height of 50-100 mm from the edge of the floor; an outlet opening is made opposite the furnace. When installing you need to take into account the difference in space. One approach is used in the installation process in the steam room, another principle is needed if the furnace is placed in a waiting room.
Choose a model in a store with a good reputation. This will prevent the purchase of a fake or goods of inadequate quality. Pay attention to the components, the capabilities of the unit, ease of installation: this will allow a better understanding of the operation of the furnace and the amount of installation work. To purchase was successful, you can preview the reviews about the model you like.
So it will be possible to understand how the operation of the device corresponds to the declared by the manufacturer. Pay attention to a small nuance: a quality product is not cheap, it can not be bought on sale. In addition, products that respect trademarks are distinguished by the availability of documentation in the form of a quality certificate.and compliance with safety standards.
Review of the electric furnace for the bath, see the following video.