Warm glazed balcony

It is necessary to approach the choice of a glazing of a balcony very responsibly. Further operation of the room and its functionality depends on it. It is necessary to decide not only with the material of frames and their color, but also directly with the glazing. It may be cold or warm. The last version will be discussed.
Advantages and disadvantages
Most recently, balcony rooms and balconies were intended solely for the storage of various items that had no place in the apartment.It could be a bicycle, cans, twists, vegetables, old clothes, a stepladder and other things.
Many apartment owners still continue to use their balconies for this purpose, but now they have a choice. The room can be used as a warehouse or turned into a full-fledged and functional room. In the construction market today there are a huge number of different materials with which you can beautifully trim a balcony block, both inside and outside.
In the design of a cozy and practical room one of the main roles is played by the type of glazing. If you chose cold windows, then you will not be able to convert the balcony into a living room. It will be very cold in its territory in winter or autumn, therefore it will be impossible to be permanently on it.
Cold glazing is used only to protect the balcony from negative environmental factors. These include rain, snow, dust, dirt, etc. It does not hold heat and does not protect against frost.
More practical and functional in this regard is a warm glazing, it costs more, but its characteristics justify the high price:
- Such design balcony will allow you to convert it into a living room and go out on its area, even in severe frosts. Today, many apartment owners convert their balcony blocks into offices, recreation areas, or winter gardens only with the help of warm glazing.
- Of course, it's not just the glazing itself, but also the interior of the balcony. He needs to provide high-quality and reliable insulation. Often people turn to the popular system "warm floor". In general, the ensemble with a properly selected glazing balcony unit will turn into a very cozy and comfortable room.
- It should be noted the excellent sound insulation properties of such glasses. With them, you just forget about annoying street noise or howling winds in bad weather. Many apartment owners face this annoying problem that makes it difficult to sleep at night, and warm glazing solves it without difficulty.
- Many apartment owners turn to this glazing in order to expand their living space with a balcony. So, a small apartment can become much more spacious if one of the rooms is combined with a balcony area.
This can be a kitchen, living room, children's room or bedroom.
But there is such a finish and some flaws:
- Most consumers are not very happy with the high cost of warm glazing. The most popular is plastic trim, but it costs twice as much as aluminum.
- These structures are large and massive, which necessarily affect the free space of the balcony. Warm double-glazed windows are distinguished by a large thickness, and frames - by a decent weight, which forces apartment owners to pre-reinforce concrete slabs of balconies so that they are more durable and stable.
- Experts say that similar window designs distort the luminous flux and reduce its intensity, therefore in rooms with such glazing there is always a little less light.
- In the hot summer season, the balcony will quickly heat up and will be stuffy.
When is it necessary?
Warm glazing should be addressed if you intend to combine the balcony room with living rooms or convert it into a functional room.
You cannot do without such glazing if you operate the balcony all year round and you need it in any weather.If the apartment has not very good heating, then with the help of such decoration you will be able to create a functional space that will always be warm and cozy.
There are several types of warm glazing. Consider them in more detail.
Panoramic glazing
Unsurpassed appearance boasts panoramic windows. Such a finish will cost the owner a round sum, but it's worth it! This design of the balcony room often increases the cost of the apartment for sale.
Most often, panoramic windows can be seen in luxury homes. It looks very expensive and beautiful, especially if the accommodation is located in beautiful places.
Frameless designs only seem light and weightless. In fact, they are very heavy and massive. Not every concrete slab can withstand them, so the installation of such glazing can be started only after consulting with experts.
Panoramic glass is distinguished by its thickness and durability. They can be not only transparent, but also toned. Installing a panoramic structure alone is not worth it.Its installation is more complicated and long.
Metal structures
Metal-plastic constructions with warm double-glazed windows are very popular. They are equipped with standard sash with swing and folding mechanism. It is worth noting the large weight of these systems, so before installing them, you must make sure that the concrete base of the balcony is reliable.
Such designs are not suitable for old apartments and Khrushchev. They have excellent thermal performance and high noise insulation. But there are some flaws in them.
For example, metal-plastic warm glazing is not wind resistant. Above such structures, it is necessary to mount the visors, and this will create an additional load on the concrete slab and parapet.
There are cases when parapets are absolutely not suitable for such manipulations. They simply change to brickwork, which only adds to the massiveness of the whole structure.
Aluminum constructions
Aluminum glazing will prevent penetration of cold and drafts. Systems with thermo-lock are especially popular. They contain special insulating inserts that provide excellent thermal performance.
Such designs are fireproof. They are made in a variety of colors, so make a beautiful and harmonious interior with aluminum windows is not difficult.
Wooden structures
You can turn to wooden frames with warm double-glazed windows. They are environmentally friendly, practical and look very interesting. Wooden structures create a comfortable indoor microclimate.
They can save their longevity only with the help of special impregnations. Wooden frames will have to be regularly maintained and treated with various protective agents.
Over time, such glazing will lose its appeal. The tree has the ability to grow old, fade, dry and crack.
Plastic constructions
The most popular is plastic glazing of balcony rooms. It looks nice and neat. Quality materials and warm double-glazed windows will maintain a comfortable temperature on the balcony all year round.
Over time, the appearance of such a finish will not lose its appeal. It is only necessary to monitor the purity of white structures.Dirt and dust with it is very easy to clean, especially if you immediately begin to remove it.
But such structures are heavy, so they are not suitable for every home. For example, in a small Khrushchev plastic windows will put a heavy load on the concrete slab, which can lead to very serious consequences in the form of collapses and thick cracks.
Today, you can choose a warm glazing with plastic frames for any wallet.
Sliding construction
Sliding structures are often used in both warm and cold glazing. They have many cameras in the profile that provide excellent thermal performance.
It is worth noting the practicality of such systems. They do not take up much space on the balcony, as the windows will open and close with the Slidors system. It is a special horizontal guides, which, as along the rails, move the sash.
The system is used Sliders and for semi-glazing. It allows you to properly heat the room without loading the parapet. Visually similar designs make the balcony area more spacious and stylish.
Double-glazed windows in such systems are single-chamber. They allow you to maintain a positive temperature in winter and have a high rail, protecting the entire structure from freezing and any other negative factors from the outside.
Installation of such windows is permissible on high floors. Modern Slidors system provides average thermal insulation. PVC hinged windows still have better thermal performance.
Tools and safety
For installation of a warm glazing of a balcony it is necessary to stock up on safety equipment. For work recommended to contact the sports belt. By its characteristics, it is in no way inferior to the building, but it is much cheaper.
A belt with a length of 2.5 cm is ideal. Too short a file will complicate work, and too long can lead to injuries.
The belt and carbine must withstand a load in excess of 400 kg. These characteristics can be found on the certificate. If there is no such product, then it is better to refuse it.
Phased replacement of cold glass to warm
First you need to dismantle the cold glass.First, sliding windows (if any) are removed, followed by frames. It is necessary to remove ebbs, window sills and all fasteners so that they do not interfere in the process of installing new windows. After all these works, you can proceed directly to the installation of new windows.
The day before the installation of new windows, it is necessary to fill the inside of the profile with foam. Such a simple technique eliminates the formation of cold bridges in the structure.
Above the balcony block, you must install a visor. It will protect it from rain and snow, as well as protect the inside from moisture penetration and the formation of dampness.
Next you need to install and secure the PVC (if you choose this material) frames to the balcony railing. Always check all surfaces using a level. Height can be adjusted by adjusting the gasket design.
In the doorway, the entire system is fixed with special anchors. All cracks and voids must be treated with foam.
After complete curing of the foam, you can proceed to the immediate installation of glass and hanging doors.
The final stage of all work is the installation of ebb, fittings and window sills.The last element is mounted on conventional screws. All slots must be zapoenit.
For more information about the technology of replacing cold glass to warm glass, see the following video:
You can install a warm glazing yourself, but experts recommend taking up such work only to those people who are confident in their abilities and possess at least minimal skills in this matter.
If you doubt yourself or are afraid of something wrong, then it is better to entrust the installation of warm windows to professionals.
Pre-contact specialists who will tell you whether to reinforce the concrete base of your balcony and what kind of load it can withstand. This is necessary in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of installing heavy glazing.
Choose only high-quality and reliable materials and contact only well-known companies in your city.
Immediately after all installations, be sure to check the operation of all mechanisms.