How and from what to make ceilings on the balcony?

Today, balconies are used not only as compact warehouses of different things, but also as full-fledged living rooms. To ennoble such a room it is necessary to turn to a high-quality and beautiful interior decoration. With the help of various materials you can arrange the floor, walls and ceiling. The last element is worth talking in more detail.
Requirements for the balcony and materials
Facing the ceiling plate on the balcony is not a very time consuming process and takes a little time. It is recommended to refer to such materials, the color and texture of which will harmoniously look in a general ensemble with furniture and decor.As a rule, ceilings on standard balconies have a small area.
They must meet some important requirements:
- If it is not about the decoration itself, but about the ceiling, then waterproofing plays a very important role. Leaks and condensate should not penetrate into the inner part of the balcony room and spoil the interior decoration. Over time, these defects can lead to mold and an unpleasant smell of dampness. If you do not waterproof the balcony, then even the most expensive repairs will not save the room from noticeable deformations. Walls and flooring can swell and crack, forever losing an attractive appearance.
- If you plan to operate the balcony room all year round, it is recommended to pay special attention to the insulation of the ceiling. As a rule, warm air rises to the top, so a cold ceiling plate can lead to a temperature drop.
It is completely senseless to keep any heaters or other similar heating systems in areas without insulation. You simply overpay for the spent electricity, but you will not achieve the desired result.
But if you are not going to glaze the balcony block, then there will be no sense in the ceiling heater. A prerequisite will only waterproofing.
Material requirements are simple and doable:
- Firstly, they must be in harmony with the general style of the room and the furniture that is present in it. It all depends on personal preferences and tastes. Today you can choose a variety of options, from inexpensive painting to installing interesting suspended structures.
- All materials must be of high quality and durable. You should not save on this issue, as a low-grade finish will not last long and can cause a lot of inconvenience.
- If the balcony is open, it is not recommended to choose a finish that is afraid of water and temperature changes. She will quickly lose her attractiveness and will have to be changed.
- The skin must be environmentally friendly and safe. Often there are materials that under the action of high temperatures emit toxic harmful substances harmful to health. From such options should be abandoned.
Balcony waterproofing
Waterproofing is required for both closed and open balconies.Without it, water may enter the room, which will lead to damage to the interior.
As a rule, droplets flow into the seams on the facade or leak through the ceiling.
The process of installing waterproofing will be easier if the balcony is glazed and insulated from above. Then you can pour silicone sealant into the seam separating the wall and the overlap, and the surface of the latter to process a special hydrophobic agent.
But if the balcony of your neighbors is cold and not glazed, then it is worthwhile to try to agree with them and find out the technical condition of the adjacent part. If it does not require serious repair, then you can do as in the first embodiment. Otherwise, it is necessary to put in order the neighboring balcony block, since without this condition not a single sealant can save the room from moisture.
For upper balcony blocks in houses of typical building, waterproofing is required on both the upper and lower parts of the concrete slab.
The top can be insulated with roofing material along with the roof. Professional roofers should do this work. If you want to do it yourself,then you will need to go down to the stove from the roof, which often requires permission from the ECD.
Waterproofing necessary ceiling balcony plate. By itself, the concrete has a porous structure, so moisture easily seeps into it. She passes through such material, stands out through the ceiling and spoils the interior trim.
The saddest ending may be the corrosion of the reinforcement in the balcony slab. Over time, this will lead to an emergency condition of the room.
For roofing waterproofing, membrane PVC, bitumen mastic and liquid rubber are suitable materials. The most expensive option is PVC membrane. They are characterized by durability and excellent performance.
If your neighbors' balcony is cold or not at all, then the ceiling should be warmed. The meaning of such work is only if the balcony block is glazed.
The largest percentage of heat loss occurs through the ceiling plate, and high-quality insulating materials easily solve this problem. It is worth noting the additional property of such heaters: they have soundproofing properties.
Balcony Warming
Warm balcony rooms from the inside. To do this, you can purchase both rolled and tiled options. The most popular are the following types of heaters:
- Styrofoam;
- Penoplex;
- Basalt wool;
- Foiled PPP.
Such materials are installed using frames. The bases can be wooden or metal. PThe waterproofing layer (film) is first applied, and then the insulation itself:
- Basalt wool is sold in the form of slabs. After installation, they must be coated with a special vapor barrier membrane. This is necessary so that condensate is not collected inside the insulator, because such a material is hygroscopic and loses a large percentage of its insulating properties in its raw state.
- Popular PPP or penoplex can be installed with or without a frame. Plates or sheets are attached to the ceiling plate using special and reliable adhesive means. More convenient is the frame method of installation, especially if you plan to do the panel paneling of the balcony.
- More expensive insulation is liquid polyurethane foam. It is applied very quickly by spraying.Polyurethane foam penetrates into all the cracks and holes, forming an even layer with excellent sealing. For this option, insulation is not required hydro - or vapor barrier films. We need only the material itself (PPU) and a special spray gun.
What is being done and which one is better?
After completing all the preparatory work, you need to proceed to the choice of interior trim. Today there are many options for the design of this element. Consider the most popular of them.
Excellent appearance has lining. Such material is woody and eco-friendly. By means of lining it is possible to finish both the closed, and open balcony block. This material is characterized by durability and excellent sound and thermal insulation characteristics.
Installation of such panels is not a big deal and does not take much time.
PVC panels
The most popular and inexpensive option is PVC paneling. Plastic panels can be attached to the plate using adhesives or a frame. Lamps can be embedded in such material, but for this it is necessary to pre-make holes for them.Such plating is not afraid of moisture, moisture, temperature changes and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Plastic ceiling can be washed with conventional detergents. Over time, he will not lose an attractive appearance.
Rack ceiling
Popular and lath variant of the ceiling on the balcony. For example, aluminum specimens can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Such structures are distinguished by high reliability, durability and durability. They are easy to install and do not affect the height of the balcony.
There are not only slatted, but also cellular and panel finishing options. Cellular mounted on suspensions and resemble a monolithic surface with square-shaped cells. The paneling is ideal for a long room.
For the design of a closed balcony fit drywall. It has a low price and is easily amenable to various treatments. This option may be normal or multi-level. With the help of gypsum board, a suspended ceiling is made, which can be sheathed with absolutely any material.
Stretch ceiling
Stretch ceilings look expensive and luxurious.They have excellent sound insulation. Modern manufacturers offer designs of various colors. You can meet not only monophonic, but also original ceilings with sparkles.
Mounting such a decoration yourself will be very difficult. It is recommended to contact the specialists, in the arsenal of which there is all the necessary equipment for the safe and high-quality installation of the stretch ceiling.
For more information on how to make a suspended ceiling on the balcony with your own hands, tell the following video:
The choice of the ideal ceiling decoration for a balcony depends on the condition of the room, its purpose and personal preferences of the owners. If the balcony is open and not glazed, then you should turn to the wall paneling or plastic. Such materials are not subject to deformation and they are not so bad negative environmental factors.
For a cozy glazed balcony will suit almost any design option. Choose materials that will harmoniously fit into the overall style of the room.
Painting options
For an open balcony, exterior paint is suitable. Before applying it you need to putty the ceiling and wipe it to a smooth surface,as in other variants of finishing paintwork.
A good choice would be water-based paint. It is better to choose white color, since it is neutral and does not visually reduce the space.
In a warm balcony, you can turn to the usual paint for interior work.
Stages of work
Consider the steps of finishing a balcony slab on the example of drywall:
- First, a frame is created based on the profile. On the ceiling, this structure must be fixed with suspensions.
- Then you need to warm the base: tightly fill the space above the frame so that there are no gaps left.
- The next step is to install drywall. This work is carried out with the help of a screwdriver and screws.
- The final stage will be finishing the resulting surface. Gypsum ceiling can be painted or sheathed with any panels.
All stages of the installation of such a ceiling are very simple and do not take much time.