Glazing of balconies with wooden frames

The balcony glazing should be approached very seriously. Today there are many different design options for balcony rooms, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of the large variety of materials is to provide a frame of wood.
Advantages and disadvantages
Today, you can meet beautiful wooden frames on many balconies. They draw attention to themselves, because most often we can observe frames made of white plastic.
- Many owners choose the tree because it is safe and environmentally friendly. This raw material is able to create a favorable indoor microclimate.
- It should be noted the durability of such frames. They serve many years. This property is due to the fact that the tree is regularly subjected to treatments with special impregnations.
- The beautiful appearance of the wooden frames is beyond doubt.They look very expensive and noble. Such frames for a long time retain their appeal. Modern firms offer models of different colors and shades, with which you can decorate the room in any style.
- Glazing with wooden frames is easy to install. Installing such structures is no more difficult than plastic ones.
- With the help of such frames you can keep warm in the territory of the balcony. For this reason, they are most often approached by people who use a balcony room all year round. If you install warm windows and equip an area with the “warm floors” system, then it will be comfortable to stay in it even in the most severe frosts.
- Many owners of such window frames note their excellent sound insulation characteristics. You can forget about annoying street noise with such glazing.
- Most often, such glazing is cheaper than plastic or aluminum. It all depends on the pricing policy of the company in which you ordered the window.
However, wooden frames are not perfect. They have several disadvantages:
- Such structures are not very resistant to adverse environmental conditions. Rain over time will cause dampness of wood, and aggressive exposure to sunlight will lead to drying out and cracks on the material.
- Wooden frames must be regularly treated with special impregnations. They prolong their lifespan and allow you to maintain an attractive appearance. Not all people are willing to regularly provide such care, so many refuse to wood structures.
- Over time, the wood in the frames will begin to age. This is manifested in the form of fading, dryness and cracking.
Special features
Glazing with wooden frames can be installed on any balcony or loggia. An exception can only be those premises that are in disrepair and require serious repair.
Similar elements will fit perfectly into many styles of interior. Today, apartment owners are increasingly turning their balconies into functional rooms, so everything in them should be beautiful and comfortable.
Often, the balcony is combined with a kitchen or living room. This is a very large and free space that can be used productively. Sometimes, in the balcony room, the owners create workrooms, small sports halls or recreation areas. Wooden windows easily look in all versions.
It is not recommended to install such window frames if you live in a dry and hot area. These external factors will quickly spoil the material and deprive it of its former attractiveness. Over time, when opening / closing, extraneous noises and clicks will begin to appear. The tree will gradually crack and deteriorate.
Types of glazing
If you decide on a frame material, then you should decide what type of glazing you need. It all depends on how and why you are going to use your balcony unit. If you plan to operate it all year round and want to equip it with a full-fledged room, then it is better to choose a warm glazing. If you only need windows to protect the room from wind, snow and rain, then you can get by with cheaper - cold glazing.
It is necessary to disassemble everything in order.
In cold glazing, ordinary wooden frames with single glass are installed. Its thickness can be different - from 4 to 6 mm. In the places of joints of glass beadings and the frame are always subjected to reliable sealing. This type of glazing is aimed at protecting the balcony room from the ingress of street dust, rain, snow.However, the heat in such areas will not be saved.
On the territory of cold balconies, you can use a variety of heaters. They can be supplemented with walls and floor. However, such equipment is unlikely to warm the room in cold weather.
Many owners take out on such balconies various heaters and portable heaters. However, even they will not provide comfortable conditions for a long stay in winter or autumn.
Excellent warm and sound insulation properties boast a warm glazing, providing for the glass. Such designs are more practical, but they are more expensive. With such a glazing on the balcony will be warm at any time of the year.
Often, the owners of such balcony rooms convert them into cozy recreation areas, winter gardens or small workshops. Such reincarnations are not possible for a cold glazed room.
If there is a “warm floors” system on the territory of such a balcony, there are additional heating devices, then you may not notice that there is a minus temperature outside the window and howling blizzard.
However, there is one minus in such glazing.In the conditions of the hot summer season, the balcony will very quickly heat up and it will be hot and stuffy.
Tips for choosing
Approach to the choice of balcony glazing should be very serious and responsible. On this depends not only the appearance of your home, but also its functionality:
- First you need to decide how you are going to use the balcony room. The choice of glazing type (cold or warm) will depend on this.
- Choose such frames that will harmoniously fit into the overall interior of your apartment in color and shade.
- Make sure the quality of materials. Wood should not be cracked, chipped, scratched and other defects. If the frames have a faded shade and seem to be old, then they should not be installed, as they may be of poor quality.
- Order glazing in well-known firms of your city, whose services are in demand.
Balcony preparation
Even an inexperienced person far from construction can install wooden window constructions. To do this, you need to know the basics of mounting the glazing and prepare the balcony, as well as the structures themselves.
- First you need to remove from the balcony all that is unnecessary.Nothing should interfere with the dismantling of old frames and the installation of new ones.
- Ensure the reliability of the balcony unit. Inspect it for cracks and other serious defects. To install the glazing is not recommended to proceed until you solve such problems.
- Previously from the new sashes you need to get the glass. This is necessary for easier and safer installation. Structures with glass are heavy, and in the process you can break or damage them.
- With the help of a conventional nail puller you need to dismantle the old frame. Experts recommend dismantling work exclusively in the construction plane. This is because the effort applied across the parapet can simply destroy it.
- After removing the old frames, it is necessary to clean the surface of the mountings from above and below. If necessary, the parapet should be repaired. This can be done with a conventional cement mortar. There is another way: just install a wooden bar over the old parapet.
- On the side parts, you can install support legs of metal corners. Such a detail can make the whole structure more rigid and durable.
- It is necessary to make all measurements of window frames. Try to do this very carefully to avoid mistakes. Today, many companies offer their services in measurements. It is recommended to contact them if you are not sure of the correctness of your actions or are afraid to make a mistake.
- After such a simple preparation, you can proceed directly to the installation of glazing. You can do it yourself or entrust the work of professionals from the window company.
Glazing balconies with wooden frames, see the following video.