Peaks over the balconies: design features and installation methods

If for some reason the glazing of the balcony is impossible, then the balcony canopy will perfectly cope with the protection functions of this non-residential space. In similar designs different materials are used. It is necessary to elaborate on the pros and cons, as well as consider the nuances of the design of a balcony with a visor.
Advantages and disadvantages
The open balcony will be more comfortable with protection from rain and sun in the form of a visor. Even the glazing does not always cope with this function. For example, the visor is definitely useful for the balcony of the last floor. A good addition it will be for balconies on other floors. This design, for example, will protect from the negative impact of neighbors.
The advantages of the visor are as follows:
- protection of people resting on the balcony from direct ultraviolet rays;
- protection from snow accumulation inside the balcony during the winter season;
- wind protection;
- protection from debris, dirt, dust and cigarette butts;
- some protection from thieves, as it will be more difficult to get to the balcony from the upper floor through the visor.
The classic design of the visor is the frame and the coating material. It is also necessary to distinguish a peak from balcony roofs. The latter cover the entire area of the balcony space. Balcony roofs are usually fixed on the supporting wall or mounted on supports. The visor is attached to the outside of the balcony and looks like a continuation of the whole structure.
Sometimes the visor is mounted to the slab above the floor. It is usually smaller than the size of a balcony roof, so its installation will not affect the quality of the supporting structure. The smaller size of the visor can be attributed to a negative factor, but less materials are needed for the manufacture, and this is a significant cost savings. Designs are very diverse in appearance, as well as the types of materials used.
Manufacturing materials
Each of the balcony visor cover materials also has positive and negative sides. The popular option chosen to cover the visors is profiled. It is lightweight, resistant to temperature changes and durable. Modern sheets are characterized by a variety of color options, therefore difficulties in the selection of optimal combinations usually do not arise.
Traditional coating material visors - is slate. Modern versions have good design qualities, technical characteristics. Of the negative qualities of slate it is worth noting the need for its mandatory waterproofing and breakage. In addition, for the visors slate will be a heavy coating. As an alternative to slate, one can consider ondulin. The appearance of this material is similar, but it has a lower weight and comfortable flexibility. The ondulina invulnerability to precipitation is quite high.
Polycarbonate balcony visor is a common variant. Moreover, this material is in demand both in private construction and on an industrial scale.In fact, carbonate is plastic, which can be transparent or colored. However, this plastic is highly durable. Flexibility and flexibility of the material is appreciated by experts who have learned to create visors of various shapes.
Polycarbonate has good sound qualities, but if it is transparent, it will be a bad protection from the sun.
Metal frames of visors are tied with special tent materials. The advantages of the tent system in the possibility of folding and folding structures. Mechanisms can be electrical or mechanical. Modern awning fabrics are durable, non-burning in the sun, with water-repellent coatings. The texture of the awning can be smooth or perforated.
Another rare variant of a visor coating material is glass. This material has more disadvantages than advantages. It is fragile and dangerous, as fragments can cause injury. The material is transparent, which means it will not protect from the sun. By weight glass is comparable to slate, heavy, its installation requires great care.Glass visors are beautiful, unobtrusive from the street.
They are used when you need to protect the space of the balcony, but you cannot change the overall style of the building.
Balcony visors are simple designs, but they are very diverse. For example, the most common and inexpensive option is a sloping visor. The main characteristic of the form is a pronounced slope, so they are characterized by ease of use for different balconies. If the size of such a visor is chosen properly, then the precipitations will not linger, but will be immediately removed to the street. Installation design is simple, available for any master who knows how to use their own tools.
The following materials will be suitable for creating a shed visor:
- slate;
- professional flooring;
- carbonate sheets;
- glass.
The classic visor dvuhskatny type in appearance resembles a regular roof. Visor will look good if its size is small. Such a visor looks very attractive if it is decorated with decorative, for example, forged elements.As a coating for dvukhskatnogo visor good ondulin, professional sheets and metal tiles. The variant of the visor of the arched view is suitable for both large and small areas of balconies. The arched shape ensures the effectiveness of removing dirt and sediment from the coating.
Arched visor looks very beautiful, especially if the retaining element of the structure is forged.
Visors a la Marquise have long been known, but are usually installed above the entrance to the room. Fashion awnings look good and as a balcony canopies and loggias. They protect the area from precipitation. From the bright sun protects the marquise for the loggia, mounted a few inches smaller than the main square. Heating and insulation of the loggia will be decided by other systems. Fabric awning awnings can be monophonic, patterned, striped.
The option is convenient when it is impossible to choose curtains, for example, for a frameless type of glazing.
Another beautiful and volumetric view of the visor is the dome. It is often used on the top floors of houses, and they are made of polycarbonate. The design is difficult to manufacture, therefore, requires the treatment of special installation teams.According to the norm, visors of any kind can be installed only with the permission of the management organization. The legality of the construction of the structure must be confirmed by the relevant provisions. Moreover, in this position, the content of the visor is regulated in due form by the owner of the premises. If the permission of the management company is obtained, the following construction installation tips will be useful.
Installation Tips
Visor for the balcony can be installed by hand. Before starting work you will need to complete a project. This will help determine in advance the material of the visor coating, as well as the material of the frame. The technology of the installation works will be connected with this stage. The easiest way to work with polycarbonate, which is also affordable. The material has a good appearance and does not spoil the exterior of the facade. Polycarbonate sheets come in a wide variety of colors. The material bends well, which is why it takes completely different forms.
The most common forms such as:
- arched;
- semicircular.
To install the polycarbonate will need a metal frame. It is attached with special washers.It is also necessary to distinguish polycarbonate, which can be monolithic or honeycomb. The first option is more transparent. The second option is characterized by greater ductility, it is simple to handle. If the choice of material is a solved question, then you can proceed to the creation of a drawing. For it will need to perform measurements that will be useful for calculating the amount of materials.
Experts advise to ensure the angle of the visor is equal to 20 degrees or more. With such an inclination, a minimum of debris and snow will accumulate on the surface of the visor. Work related to the arrangement of the visor, it is better to start with the welding of the frame of metal. For it can be used pipes or channels. Installation of the structure can be carried out directly to the wall. To eliminate gaps in the joints, you can use a sealant or silicone glue.
Fastening to the wall let's say ordinary screws.
To begin with, the profile tubes are laid out and cut into pieces according to the dimensions marked on the drawing. Cuts should be cleaned using sandpaper or special sawing. The simplest frame is a rectangle, the two sides of which must be equal.It should monitor the progress of work on the level. Ready frame is to clean, prime and paint. This will improve the appearance of the structure. If the parts of the metal structure are unpainted, they must be treated with a protective compound. It is necessary to choose those that will prevent the appearance of corrosion. This is especially important if the side of the visor is completely metal.
Unprocessed metal will lose its quality over time, the appearance of the structure will deteriorate.
The frame for the visor can be mounted to the slab of the balcony, which is located on the floor above. Installation involves drilling holes into which anchor bolts will be inserted. Holes need to be placed especially precisely, laser or hydro level will be useful for measurements. At the end of the work it is necessary to install polycarbonate, which is placed in the center of the structure. Sheets can be cut if necessary. For visors made of polycarbonate is not required waterproofing, insulation. Installation is complete. It should be borne in mind that if profiled sheets of metal or tile are used in the work, it is better to take care of noise insulation and waterproofing. Otherwise, the balcony visor will create noise when it rains.
A layer of noise insulation must be laid from the inside, under the main surface material.
If the visor is made of polycarbonate, then usually just cut a piece of the right size and fit over the frame. Then you need to fix the polycarbonate. For this will be useful self-tapping screws. For self-tapping screws in the coating material and the frame, holes should be made. They should make a slightly smaller hole than the screw itself. Fasteners must be wrapped tightly, but do not make special efforts, otherwise the material will crack or bend.
It is necessary to choose the coating material visor in accordance with the financial capabilities and design decision. Many other specific factors also affect this point. For example, for a balcony that is used only as a pantry, you can build a visor with a coating of steel sheets or bitumen material. They are affordable, easy to install. It should be noted that the installation of sheet materials is overlapped. If this is done end-to-end, water and debris will fall into the gap. The forged frame of the visor with glass coating will add originality and style.
To install it is better to call the experts.
The peak for a balcony is the integral component of cosiness and the atmosphere of security. So that independent work does not go down the drain, the main thing is to follow the technology precisely. A handmade product will not only protect but also decorate the facade. However, over time, using a balcony canopy itself may need to be protected. As a rule, violations usually concern depressurization of the device. Special danger occurs when the waterproofing is broken. Dismantling the cover is an optional step that will allow you to cope with the defect.
You can apply such modern guided materials as:
- bikrost;
- univlec;
- isobox.
Other methods of strengthening the coating is the use of a soft roof as a lining material and roofing powder as an upper fixer. Granular powder is fused using a gas or gasoline burner. The surface to be treated must be protected from debris and dust. The patches joints are additionally coated with bitumen. Make this work easy.You can fix modern materials at any time of the year. For example, to apply liquid roofing material, only a roller or a brush will be required, while the material will play the role of noise insulation, providing a close connection of the roof covering to the wall.
However, the methods of such a repair of balcony canopies are not always suitable. Sometimes required reinforcement frame. Existing structures can be wooden or metal. The reinforcement of the frame is usually made of the same material as the frame itself. For example, you may need steel corners or small bars for work.
Another option to repair the balcony canopy is insulation.
The following materials will be suitable for insulation:
- penoplex;
- Styrofoam;
- Minwat.
The ideal location of a heater is between rafters, providing ventilation. The process of warming the visor can be skipped if no further glazing of the balcony is envisaged. Repair of waterproofing material can be made on top of the coating material, as well as under the coating material. For example, a sealant, polymeric materials can be used outside.The coating under slate or metal profiles can be replaced with a modern hermetic insulating material - isolate, and also germalflex will suit. These are all major repairs that may come in handy. It is necessary to take into account the operating conditions of the structure and timely check the fastenings of the frame. This will eliminate the appearance of defects that may be dangerous.
You can find out how to make visors over various objects with your own hands from the video below.