French balcony

The French balcony is the most fashionable, stylish and elegant decoration of the facades of private and multi-family houses of recent years. It can be found in many European countries. It embodies the exquisite design, reasonable price and impeccable workmanship. Despite all its undeniable merits, many people still have not heard and do not know about this amazingly beautiful architectural element. About him and about everything that concerns him, will be discussed in our article.
What is it and what advantages does it have?
Surely people who have never heard of such a balcony, still saw him. This type of French glazing in translation means - the door to the window. In fact, this is not a balcony in the usual sense of the concept, but a beautiful window fence.
Initially, this tiny platform, protruding from the window, on which only one person could fit, was used as ventilation. Today, under this name they understand a miniature platform with a fence (most often of wrought metal) for panoramic windows.
Forged fences can have different shapes, most often they are made in the form of a curved, convex basket.
The functional load that such a balcony performs is minimal, and it cannot be called the main source of ventilation either. Now this is a magnificent, unusual beauty decoration for the facade.
In addition, such a platform, fence and railings can be used to create a winter garden or a small greenhouse. The house, decorated with French balconies with floral arrangements, looks very refined and elegant.
Today there are two main types of such balconies: traditional and modern. The first option is characterized by the complete absence of a viewing platform, and the fence is located around the doorway.Some models allow for a minimum pad size of about a step.
The modern version is different from the classic lack of parapet. Instead, there is a full glazing of the balcony space from the ceiling to the floor.
- Significant cost savings on installation, additional reinforcement and finishing of the fence.
- Lack of need for external balcony finishing (professional flooring, metal or vinyl siding).
- Savings on the inner lining and insulation.
- Good source of natural light.
- The lack of insulation and inner lining does not reduce the effective construction area.
- Luxurious panoramic view, inaccessible to ordinary models of balconies.
- Fast and clean installation.
- Gorgeous decorative properties.
- Lack of windowsill.
- The need for additional reinforcement frame.
- In the cold season, such a balcony needs heating, and in the summer - in additional ventilation.
- Enough high installation cost.
- Impracticality (panoramic windows need frequent and thorough washing).
French balcony can be equipped with additional accessories, such as mosquito nets. Different materials are used for its production, its cost will directly depend on it. Sash can be deaf, open partially or completely. Forging can be used forged metal, stained glass, frosted glass, a mirror film or a combination of several materials.
A balcony without a platform is a very simple but elegant design with a glass balcony door and a metal fence on the outside. An ideal option to open the window, breathe in the fresh air or enjoy the beautiful view.
A balcony with a small platform is a more complex constructive option. It implies a protruding concrete element. This balcony allows you to literally go one step outside the room and enjoy your morning coffee in the open air.
These are the main types of this architectural structure. They differ from each other not only in their design features and design, but also in the method of attachment to the building. The mount can be point-like using a small amount of metal elements.using metal pipes or profiles.
The choice of the type of French balcony depends on the wishes of the customer. Someone just wants to arrange the window opening in an original way, someone would prefer a full-fledged construction with doors, fencing and railings.
The materials from which the window is made have a significant influence on the appearance of the finished product. The window profile can be made of wood, metal or plastic, and the glass can be selected transparent, frosted, tinted or colored.
The design of the balcony can also be very different. Someone likes a strict classic and clear geometric lines, someone like wrought iron grilles with petals, curls and shells. Fencing and railings can have a very different geometric shape, thickness, size, decor. For their manufacture, you can use standard options or use an individual sketch of the customer.
Forged balcony - the most popular type of this type of architectural structures. Forged metal elements allow you to create fragile and delicate compositions that perfectly highlight the beauty of the balcony and emphasize its immaculate appearance.Metal - the material is very plastic and docile. This property is due to the widest range of forged products: from the simplest geometric elements to complex compositions.
A wrought iron balcony can have a square, rectangular, round shape, be convex or concave, have railings and fences, be decorated with decor, or remain strict and concise.
As an ornament for the creation of decorative metal elements, plant patterns, flowers, and fruits are most often used. Even more stylish and spectacular look balconies with artificially aged or gold-leafed fencing. Such models resemble the balconies of ancient castles and palaces.
Decor and arrangement
The elegant and sophisticated form of the French balconies is itself a wonderful decorative addition to any facade. However, with the help of some additional elements and decorations, it can be further improved and refined. For example, using sprasy - decorative or constructive window grilles. Black, golden, silvery, snow-white spears can divide the window into regular geometric shapes (diamonds, squares,rectangles) or create more complex and unusual compositions using semicircles, cells, honeycombs.
Using multicolored glass is another great way to highlight your balcony. Tinted glass will help mute the sunlight, frosted glass will create a beautiful decorative effect. And multi-colored glass, laid out in an intricate ornament or picture, will give the balcony a well-kept and expensive look. Not for nothing stained glass windows from ancient times were considered one of the most beautiful and expensive decorations of palaces and churches.
It has long been known that it is the little things that give the image a finished and beautiful look. This applies to furniture for the design of the balcony. It can be gold or silver in color, be performed in an elegant, elegant form, be decorated with decor.
Forged items - a win-win for a balcony of any kind. Small or large curls, flower buds, butterflies, sculptural compositions invariably attract to themselves the enthusiastic views of others.
A constructive feature of the French balcony is a panoramic glazing, that is, from floor to ceiling.Naturally, it is necessary to think about how to hide the room from excessive light, as well as prying eyes. The best option for this - curtains, drapes or blinds.
When choosing a suitable variant of curtains, you need to remember a few nuances:
- One of the advantages of panoramic glazing is the feeling of free space, so curtains or curtains should only enhance this effect. Materials for their manufacture should be light, light, transparent;
- functionality (blinds or drapes must quickly and easily cover and open the window if necessary);
- practical care (curtains should be easy to wash, clean or wash),
The French balcony implies a very small external space, which, no less than the standard architectural structures, needs arrangement and decoration. Elements of wood, forging, plastic can be used as external and internal decor. These can be original lanterns or elegant candlesticks. A small summer umbrella or other construction in the form of a visor will help protect the balcony space from the rain or the scorching rays of the sun.
Flowers - the best decoration of any balcony. Flower arrangements, placed on the parapet, along the fence or climbing vines that adorn the entire balcony, create a real “living” hedge that will please the eyes of the owners and those surrounding several months a year.
To improve your balcony and give it a well-groomed appearance with fresh flowers, you can use the simple rules of a flower garden:
- horizontal (multi-tiered) planting of compact, bright colors (pansies, nasturtiums, petunias);
- vertical planting of climbing type plants (ampelous fuchsia, sweet pea, ipomoea);
- ceiling landing (plants beautifully frame the upper part).
Modern models of French balconies allow interesting and unusual to beat the existing small space. For example, place compact furniture (folding table and chair, decorated with bright textile bedspreads, tablecloths, covers) or even put a compact balcony swing.
How to do it yourself?
The French balcony has, above all, a decorative function, so it is quite possible to build it yourself. This is feasible when it comes to the classic version - a decorative lattice around the window.If the preference is given to modern models, then partial help from professionals may be needed. First you need to decide on the design, type of glass, choose materials for the frame.
It is better to entrust all work related to glazing to specialists. The constructions for creating panoramic glazing are very bulky. Raise them to the upper floors of the house without damaging, it is quite time-consuming and difficult.
What is important to know before ordering the French balcony in the next video.
Installation of the balcony is carried out in stages. To begin with, the necessary measurements are performed, and the finishing elements are inspected. The construction of metal-plastic or other material from which the double-glazed windows are made is reinforced with a profile and securely fastened according to the installation scheme specially developed for such balconies.
An old balcony can also turn into a French architectural element, or rather, into its likeness. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the railing, remove the fence and reinforce the concrete base plate. The next step will be the installation of aluminum or metal-glass windows. The final stage is the finishing, decoration, and gardening.
Design Ideas
In order to interesting and original design of such a balcony, you can use your own ideas or turn to ready-made design developments. Balcony in a private house, of course, gives more opportunities for the application of creative and bold ideas. Making the balcony in Khrushchev requires compliance with the overall style of the facade. Here are some interesting options:
- French glazing for apartment Khrushchev. From the old balcony there is only a concrete base, and instead of concrete and metal fencing, there are glazed windows with a panoramic view. An elegant forged lattice gives the balcony a resemblance to the French equivalent.
- The classic version is floor-to-ceiling glazing + neat wrought-iron railing. Beautiful, stylish and modern facade.
- Even the smallest and modest balcony can be turned into a stylish facade decoration with the help of bright and abundant flowering plants. The combination of greenery with rich color buds gives any balcony a fresh, well-groomed and truly flourishing look.