Glass vases: types and nuances of choice

Flowers make people happy, bring them happiness and drive away bad thoughts. But it is important not only to provide a beautiful view of the bouquet itself, it is necessary to carefully select a worthy vessel for it. Our article is devoted to the features of the choice of glass vases for flowers.


Selecting simple or original vases, for example, with lids, you must first start from the style of the room where they are supposed to be used. On the basis of glass can be created very intricate, unique in appearance models. Many of them even become an independent part of the decor, becoming one of the leading design elements.

Glass vases can be floor or table. They can be vessels with a narrow or wide neck, made of different types of glass, decorated in different colors, decorated, etc.


When it comes to glass vase, it is usually thought that manufacturers vary only the geometry and thickness of their goods. But with sufficient funds, you can purchase more original products, sometimes causing excitement even from a sophisticated designer.

Along with the usual transparent, can be used and Murano glass. It is always a product of handicraft. And because each instance has an impressive personality. No less attractive can be a vase made of Gutin glass. Outwardly, it looks like Italian designs.

Czechs focus on the extraordinary elegance of form and bold, catchy color. It is in the Czech Republic that vases are made from phosphorescent uranium glass. Both thick and thin material can be used.

Sizes and shapes

The geometric characteristics of glass vases are very important. Large structures are mainly placed on the floor and can be harmoniously introduced into any interior. There is no need to meticulously adapt the room to the appearance of a decorative object. As for the shape, the round vase is a classic solution and looks equally good anywhere.But personality lovers often choose other shapes, such as a cylinder.

Such cylindrical products can have different heights, which is dictated primarily by aesthetic considerations. Square configuration is relatively rare. But a rectangular vase can be detected more often, the size of the design indicates whether it is designed for 1 flower or for a bouquet. At this aesthetic search does not end there: in many cases, the following will be preferable:

  • flask with a small neck;
  • spherical specimens;
  • vases on the supports in the form of legs.


It’s not easy to choose a vase of colored glass; you must immediately decide whether to create a contrast with the walls, floor and ceiling or to maintain their color. In the beige room, the brown color is an elegant choice; it does not seem gloomy to look, as in other cases.

Important: if you choose the optimal tone does not work, you must prefer the universal white version. If the vase is painted the same way as the wallpaper, the space seems wider. In the room for sleeping recommend dim, inexpressive shades, there they will reveal their charm to the maximum.

Style and design

The traditional design approach involves the formation of vase-based compositions with stones that are glued to the surface. This allows you to revive the memories of vacation or brighten up the cold season, presenting yourself on the beach. There are also combinations with cloth, coins and other materials. Simple appearance allows you to shade the beauty of the bouquet. To show the originality of the composition can, using a vase in the form of a block of ice, for example.

More rules:

  • if the house is designed for high-tech, fit vases with partially chrome-plated surfaces;
  • hand-painted ceramics are harmoniously woven into the classical setting;
  • minimalism requires choosing a completely transparent narrow design.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

Visiting Ikea stores and other outlets, many people are rightly looking for products made in Italy. After all, it is there that the centuries-old traditions of quality and impeccable stylistics are accumulated. Favorable reviews are consistently receiving products from Decotech, Pavone, Ahura and other companies. Black products with rhinestones, Swarovski crystals, the original form of storage for flowers - all this is done in Italian factories.The Czech production, which uses first-class Bohemian glass, which also causes enthusiastic appraisals, does not lag behind them in craftsmanship.

How to choose?

But with all the variety of attractive offers it will be necessary to give preference to any one option. Experts recommend starting with determining the appropriate size of the bouquet, which will allow to estimate the desired amount. The more colors you put, the wider your throat needs. The medium-sized vase with an extended base is universal. Height is selected for reasons of harmony with the surrounding space.

How to decorate with your own hands?

To decorate a round vase used papier-mâché or apply a primer and paint. For the formation of the finished appearance of the composition dry branches are used. The simplest option for decorating a monotonously painted surface is stickers on the outside or inside. In the absence of flowers, you can fill the vase with various cereals. For a start, they are scattered on paper, mixed, painted, allowed to dry, and only then used for decoration.

Additional types of decor can be very different. This may be paperwork, for example.You can put one vessel in another and fill the gap, use sticks, twigs, etc.

In the absence of ideas or doubts in their aesthetic talents, tastes, you must use ready-made master classes. This video, for example, shows how to use ribbons with colored beads and fruit.

Professionals are ready to explain how the volume painting using acrylic paints.

But in many cases there is not enough time to perform complex work. Then helps out the use of scotch and stained paints.

Successful examples and options

The photo shows the original candlestick, obtained from a glass vase. The addition of a candle light with white and green elements looks amazing.

      But simply transparent designs can be externally elegant. It is enough to decorate them with bright colored petals and buds. Get a luxurious, stylish decoration for a modern interior.

      Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

      Entrance hall

      Living room
